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Old 06-05-2009, 07:13 PM   #1
Talking Cutest Kittens EVER (MAJOR DUW)

It's summer again!! For me, summer means foster kitties. I take kittens into my home until they are old enough to be spayed/neutered and adopted. Free of charge and LOTS of fun. I can't take in any more cats, but this way I can be with the cutest kittens in the world and save lives at the same time.

Now is "kitten season" at the Humane Society. They get an average of 30 kittens in every day that need foster homes.
Available foster kittens include:
~healthy kittens (and possibly their moms) that need a place to stay until they are old enough to be fixed and adopted.
~sick kitties that need meds
~orphaned kitties that need to be bottle-fed
~feral kitties that need to be tamed (my personal favorites; it is so fun to watch hissing, spitting devils turn into cuddle buddies)
~pregnant mom cats that need a place to birth and raise their kitties

Foster kittens must be kept in a single room. This helps me work around my other pets and my brother's allergies.

Fostering is one of the best things I've ever done. It is incredibly fun and I can help out kitties in need at the same time!

Humane Societies NEED foster parents!

Contact your local Humane Society or other rescue shelter if you are interested in fostering. PM me if you have any questions.

Here are the newest fosters. A momma and five 5-week-olds.

Meet the girls!

Violet is your average kitten (except much much cuter!); very hyper, but loves a snuggle after a long day

Daisey is the sweetest baby. I will be sitting on the floor watching the others play and sweet sweet Daisey will climb up in my lap and fall asleep.

Lilly is hyper to an extreme. *Run!* *Run back!* *Run over there again!* But after an hour of play, she gets veeeery tired.

Petunia. The meanie that wouldn't let Daisey sleep! She soon learned never to wake up Daisey!

Cherry Blossum. Another sleepy baby.

And, last but certainly not least, Skye, the best mommy in the world. My personal favorite. Skye and I are buddies. Loves chatting with me. Me: Hi Skye, baby. Skye: Meow. Meooooooow. Meowmeowmeow. Me: Is that so? Skye: Meooooooooooooooooooooooooow. Meow. Meow-meow. Me: I agree. Skye: Meow. Etc. Etc. Etc. Gotta love a talk-er!