FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - QUESTIONS FOR THE FEMALE SNAKE-OWNERS
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Old 06-25-2009, 11:53 AM   #74
1. What type of snake(s) do you own?

Ball pythons
Kenyan Sand Boas
Corn Snakes

2. What sparked your interest in the particular snake(s) you own?

Their colors, their smaller sizes, and with the KSB's, I think it'll be cool to get live young vs. eggs.

3. Do you have help with your snake(s)?

Yes, from my kids (to some extent)

4. How tall are you?


5. Does your choice of snake have anything to do with your size/age?

Yes. And also my hubby is not too keen on me having snakes, so it's partially done out of respect for him (since he lets me keep snakes at all, LOL)

6. Does your choice of snake have anything to do with your security/safety factor?

I, like most everyone else, want - no, need - snakes I can handle myself.

7. What is your age group?

Mid 30's

8. How many of you have had your love of the scaley ones ruin a relationship?

Fortunately, not me. Not yet anyway....

9. Do you have an "if I die" list, of who gets, or what to do with the "collection" once you pass

I'm sure it'll pass onto my kids, who love snakes too

10. Why do you keep the species you work with? What are your goals with them?

I like the variety of colors and combos, and the smaller sizes

11. How do your friends view your hobby / deal with your obsession?

I'm sure lots of people think I'm nuts, because most folks I'm around tend to be mostly afraid of snakes and not understand them. For the people who know me well, they understand and respect it. Most of my kids' friends think I'm "pretty cool" for keeping snakes. Honestly, most of my "outside" friends are really not into reptiles at all, and it's in the different communities where I "reside" that I find understanding and sympathy, LOL!!