FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - What happened to BOI????
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Old 07-15-2009, 07:16 PM   #15
Yep, just trying this on for size. I've dropped all sorts of hints about the possibility of the BOI needing to go away if this site can't support the financial burden when I retire. And I AM retiring no later than January 1, 2010. I know I can live without the BOI, but I don't know if this site can. I'm hoping the thumbnail photo capability I implemented in the classifieds has been beneficial enough to build up traffic there where this site is not quite so dependent on the BOI for viewers. So I want to watch traffic stats for a bit to see what impact the BOI being gone may have here. This site NEEDS to be self sufficient without the burden of legal and financial liabilities that I couldn't handle when living on my retirement savings. This is non negotiable. I've watched paid memberships dwindle away to a bare trickle, so I have to assume that it will only get worse even though traffic has picked up considerably lately. Free is really cool, I know, but sorry, I can't take that kind of financial burden when my income will be drastically curtailed.

Sorry about this, but I know from experience trying to find out answers I need via polls or feedback would be an exercise in futility...

Anyway, this is a test and ONLY a test. If it were the real thing, then this would have to be January 1, 2010 on the calendar....