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Old 09-11-2003, 06:24 PM   #7
The Tinley park show is the same weekend as opening of duck season. So I know there is no way I could make it there Saturday. Sunday I have an application in to hunt the waterfowl refuge, as soon as I hear back about that I'll start making plans for the show. I'm guessing I should hear back in the next week or so. If I do get in to hunt the refuge, I will not be able to make it this year.

If I don't get to make it this year, we will have to carry over the bet till next year. Either way I'll be bringing my digi cam to get some great pic's of you wearing a black #24 Woodson jersery Or would you rather have the white one?

As soon as I hear about my hunt, you'll be the first to know and then I'll let you pick white/black