FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - 12 Pythons Taken From Home
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Old 09-02-2009, 04:58 PM   #9
So your all for throwing him in jail for his disagreement with a law? Boy, Hate to be your children and get in trouble for anything.

Jail time should be reserved for real crimes, not petty I don't have a liscense, its a victimless crime. I don't Understand how your so quick to want to jail him, so this 19 year old with a few pets should be next to manson, gacey and dahmer right???? Not to mention everybody else with real reasons to be there.

Him going to jail cost the florida tax payers money, money to keep a non-violent, non-sex offender, in jail where he DOESN'T belong. Does the punishment fit the crime?

"Let's keep this in perspective though. Fine him, make him go into the Everglades and collect two-to-one for the "illegal" animals he has, make it known that those who violate the law will pay a high price if/when caught. But lets not start throwing people in jail for these infractions. The tax payers in FL , I am sure, need all the space they have for murderers, thiefs, rapists and the like. We should punish criminals, certainly, but let's make the punishment fit the crime and not let things get out of balance."

Perfectly said.