FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - About the BOI and it's future here...
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Old 11-20-2009, 05:16 PM   #167
One option I may consider is to only have the BOI available to paid members. I know this failed the first time I tried it, but the goals were different. It was done to try to do two things: (1) enforce a method of verification on all people posting on the BOI for credibility reasons, and (2) to keep this day now on the horizon from showing up because of financial reasons. I wanted the BOI to be both credible and self supporting.

Now, my philosophy would be different in that basically the BOI would be available ONLY for those people willing to contribute in order to put me at risk for keeping the BOI alive for their use. Meaning, non-contributing members would be able to read the thread title ONLY in the BOI (as is the case now with non-registered and non-logged in members), and not be able to read the content of the threads, nor post within the BOI at all.

Two likely scenarios would then take place: (1) More people would be inclined to become paid members in order to utilize the tool that the BOI has become, or (2) the BOI would fall into a death spiral, being unused and neglected until it would finally have the plug pulled on it completely. While I would prefer scenario #1, I am willing to live with scenario #2, as it would have the same result as my simply pulling the plug on January 1 when the dust all settles.

I am not saying that this positively will happen, but it is an option that I will be considering. It may very well be that the BOI is not as useful and valuable to as many people as some would think. That's OK. I can accept that. Personally it never resolved ANY issues for me that I brought up within it, so I can understand that perspective.

Heck, if I ran this decision past my favorite attorney, he would tell me to drop it in a heartbeat. It's really not a viable business asset if the liabilities far outweigh the potential income or other aspects of benefit to ME personally. And like it or not, I really need to look at it in this light now.