FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - People feeding wildlife around my home. Problem?
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Old 11-02-2003, 08:17 PM   #2
I don't know where you live Janie,but here in AR it's illegal to feed animals like that.There was an incident a few years ago with a lady in southern AR that had been warned against feeding bears on her property,she kept shrugging off these warnig from Game and Fish until it came to her being mauled by a sow,barley escaping with her life and they did indeed euthanize the sow AND her cub.Go figure.

Also this lady you speak of is doing nothing but helping the deer population on it's way to being wiped out with disease and it loss of fear to humans. Two years there is a little town near me that ended up having to open an archery only deer season to help thin out the population.And it worked.Something like that MAY help with the population of wildlife in your neck of the woods if someone can convince the local government to start it I have see a bad disease year for deer and it is terrible to see these creatures stumbling around in the heat and broad daylight as if they are blind.

She was gonna feed it bread???Not the smartest choice I reckon,but with the rut season coming up,she may not wanna be approaching any bucks,or she could end up like the bear lady and see the ugly side of "God's creatures"

Just my two cents