FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Is it a hobby anymore
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Old 01-06-2010, 03:34 PM   #12
Cheryl Marchek AKA JM
it stopped being fun when I spent more money than I could afford to and then figured out it was harder than I thought. Buying "hets" and possible hets that either NEVER proved or proved YEARS AND YEARS later than expected. "Friends" turning into scammers. Watching everyone else succeed while I failed again, and again, and again. At least it sure seemed like everyone else was succeeding while I failed.

I'm still plugging away.......waiting for it to be fun again. Succeeding now some~ three albinos and 1 pied produced this year...........

But I'm still waiting for it to be fun again. Wishing for that anticipation and eagerness I feel when I look at the calves I raised on bottles eating pasture all on their own. I used to get that feeling from the snakes. Now......it's more work than fun with the snakes. But I'm not giving up. Maybe I'll find the Joy again. And if I don't......well..........
The goats are getting wider I think there will be kids soon, then all that wonderful goat milk again!
The cows are getting bigger......there will be beef soon. The heifers will be coming up on breeding this summer, need to find a bull I like for them.
The chickens are pecking in the yard, raising little families and have little squables
There will be chicken soup for dinner tonight

and the snakes will be in their racks doing their thing. Might actually be able to make some money at them this year..........that will be nice. I'll use it to buy hay, build fences, buy a bush hog and have some fun.