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Old 01-17-2010, 10:00 AM   #83
Originally Posted by DJR73 View Post
Hi Stephanie,
1st of all I NEVER told vendors that if they did the other show they could no longer vend Hamburg. See the bad thing here, is ONLY one side of the story is being hear. I normally do not feed into things like this. But I have had enough of the rumors and misinformation that is out here!. And there are a few good points made. Yes the fliedhouse is crowded. We have made changes to the upcomming show with the table layout to adhere to all codes of safety. But you must remember there were 2 promoters in the building. I was not the promoter that was jamming tables everywhere possible to make more money. Once my building is full, vendor space is soldout. And Marty created his own being ask to leave the venue, since damage was created at his shows. This place is run my a volley fire co. The building is not a dump on the mrning of the show. People who can't seem to find trash cans creat the mess. So if we all take the time and treat others property as our own, things would be nicer. And as the complimentary tables, maybe you would like the whole story! I GIVE my long time vendors a show on me every year. This is a just to say THANK YOU for what they do. I have done this since I started running the shows. I must say I never seem the other promoters do that. That is b/c I actually care about the vendors. Relationships have been created over the years that are unbreakable. The long and short of this is. The other promoter would have never left the Hamburg fliedhouse unless he was asked to. And as for his show is he ran in Philly, if it was such a great show then where is it now? Hamburg will continue and if you choose to support it, great. And one last thing, try speaking with the VENDORS about show promoters. Of course "Dan" wants the show he works for to look all great. But speak to the Vendors for your real stories. There is a lot of behind the sences stuff that people know nothing about. But I don't feel it necessary to airy dirty laundry here. My goal is to continue with Hamburg since we are the LARGEST & OLDEST VENOMOUS show here.
Thanks for the response, Denise. I have been speaking directly with the vendors about all of this. This isn't third, fourth, fifth hand information. This is directly from them. You understand, I'm sure, why it would be hard to believe you over 5-10 other people who have a consistent story.

In regards to the Fieldhouse itself, it's a horrible building. There's nothing you can do to fix that. Pulling a single row of vendors out isn't going to stop the dirty, dank feel of that place. It also isn't going to stop the overcrowding of people. I simply can't support a show that makes me cringe when I step in the building. I would be embarrassed to sell my animals because that reflects on me. If Hamburg moved to a decent building (or money went into serious repairs of the Fieldhouse), I'd support it full force.

As far as the new Super Expos. The first, imo, has been a huge success. I'm excited to see how it develops over the next year.