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Old 01-17-2010, 11:48 AM   #87
All I want to do, is have a customer base that knows me, continues to buy from me and has an enjoyable experience at the show.
What I saw in Reading yesterday, was a lot of children, able to look at animals they were interested in, hold them. I saw people in wheechairs, able to get right up to the table and see the animals. How awesome was it for those people ??!!!
I will not partake in any politics. I want to be able to vend where I can/want and when I want.
I would do every show within reasonable driving distance if there is room for me. I would love to be able to vend in Hamburg, it has an awesome following of loyal customers.
I want the customers happy. I want them to be able to approach me, ask me any questions they have and feel comfortable with their decision to purchase from me.
Sometimes if it is too crowded, vendors are not able to properly talk to their possible new customer, the new customer who is not familiar with particular vendor can't talk about reptile for sale and get needed info. Other customers can be pushing their way through to the tables, making that new customer feel they need to move before they are ready, thereby possibly a "lost" customer. The more experienced shopper feel they can bully their way to the tables and push others out of the way.
As a customer, if I can't see the animal, talk to the vendor, I move on. I don't want to feel rushed or bullied.
It would be great if all shows could get along, maybe with customers learning if they want children to go, handicapped people to go, they go to a particular show.
We all can help each other, we can all "feed" each other. We can say where our next show is and promote that show by telling others of it. Positive customer response will help all. They will be the ones who make or break the show in the long run. Make the customer happy. Give them a great experience. They are paying for it and as all vendors know bad info carries faster that good info.
With all the people who attend and all the sales, it appears that there is enough to go around!

just my thoughts for the morning...