FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Please recommend snake vitamin supplement
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Old 02-10-2010, 10:39 AM   #2
Olexian Pro
Any Carnivourous Reptile vitamin Supplement will suffice for the purpose of supplementation for snakes. To be honest, no one can really say that one supplement is better than another without performing nutritional feeding trials followed by scientific analysis of the data obtained. Given that most of us cannot do this at home the benefits of one supplement over another are strictly a matter of opinion.

You will encounter many different opinions concerning the various supplement brands available. Remember, they are only opinions. I personally use Rep-Cal. I would recommend using their Calcium/Vitamin D3 Powder (pink label) and their Amino acid supplement (blue Label) since that you are working with a carnivore. Given that the metabolic rate of snakes is considerably slower than that of other squamate's I would recommend that you only supplement your snakes once every 1 to 2 weeks. You can easily overdose reptiles and amphibians on multivitamin supplements (especially snakes) and over supplementation can be very harmful to your pet. As long as your pet readily consumes whole vertebrate prey that has been gut loaded, I would only use enough supplement to dust the exterior of the prey items body and no more. This will help alleviate such risks while providing empirical supplementation to your pet. If the prey items you feed are not gut loaded, I would recommend purchasing a holding tank for at home use so that you can begin gut loading your own prey items. This is really the safest way to ensure adequate nutrition for your pet, in addition to the use of multivitamin supplements described herein.