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Old 03-20-2010, 01:34 AM   #37
Twizted Paths
Originally Posted by xtreme dragons View Post
No, it is not. It is a reality. One that is important for us to face, both as individuals & as a group.

All the screaming and cursing in the world does not change facts, nor does it offer a constructive solution to the real problem at hand. All it does is make us look like hot headed morons ~ just as our opposition portrays us to be.

In case the issue at hand has been lost in the senseless posturing I'll summarize.

Zarmarti has violated Florida's licensing policies for the legal capture and euthanasia of captured feral burms, he also most likely neglected to have it checked for a microchip.

In my opinion his license needs to be permanently revoked, he should turn over the money he made from the illegally harvested burm(s), he should be fined & we as a group should black list his breeding/supply business.

By not following the law he is nothing more than a poacher operating on Federal land & should be treated as such.

And furthermore, in my previous post I was referring to the post that I quoted so as to avoid any misunderstanding of what exactly I was responding to.