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Old 03-20-2010, 02:09 AM   #45
Goombas Reptiles
Originally Posted by Moonstone View Post
Freezing reptiles and decapitation are both considered inhumane by the AVA. Freezing makes them immobile, but they can still feel. As they freeze ice crystals form in the muscles and tissues causing an aggonizing, slow death. I see stupid people in forums all the time telling people to freeze their reptiles to kill them. The slow metabolism of the snakes makes decapitation a slow painful process. As someone who kills and processes animals for a living, I am sure he has little compassion for the animals he is killing in these horrible photos.

For the person who feels that removing the snakes from the everglades is going to save our pets, you couldnt be more wrong. HSUS and PETA are backing legislation (a violation of their 501c3 status) to take away our rights to have pets and is using the overstated "problem" of the everglades to justify their agenda of no animals for food, no animals for experimentation, no animals for entertainment (circus and zoos) and no pets. If not the everglades propaganda, they will latch on to something else. Nothing will stop them short of taking away their 501c3 status and exposing them for what they are. There are 250,000 animal rights fanatics holding 63,000,000 pet owning house holds hostage.

Someone else mentioned that these animals are not pets and need to be killed. What do you think happens to the PETS that are turned in in Floridas "pet amnesty" roundups? They probably wind up in the same place while their owners have to live with what they did for their pets own good.
You kinda went around in a circle with that one but I think I understand. This isn't going to be cut and dry and I didnt mean for it to sound like that. They will always have an agenda. The disposal of the invasive species however can be used as a starting point for "us, the irresponsible exotic pet owners" ( i say that sarcastically of course) to address that specific issue. Are they still gonna fight for us to not be able to eat meat, I'm sure. But most of us arent keeping cows and sheep as pets and there aren't reports of wild cows running around taking over Utah. And if they did by some miracle take that away from us, would we be able to keep cows and sheep as pets then since they aren't food animals? See where I'm going with this? We have to start somewhere. These reptiles are a major concern and something must be done. There are no alternatives. And you cannot equate them with the pets that are turned in on amnesty day. Those are actual pets that the owner is having to give up for whatever reason. They are checked, treated, and whatever can be rehomed is and whatever is deemed unsafe, is probably put down. Will some of them be released into the wild when the new owners get tired of them? That remains to be seen. I would imagine that you have to apply to adopt one of those animals and although manpower is limited, they may or may not have follow ups with people who adopt certain animals. I may be wrong, but in Florida, people are required to have permits for ROC's and have them chipped. I know from shelters up north, you have a certain amount of time to furnish proof of spaying/neutering cats and dogs or there are penalties or the animal is removed from your possession. I would hope the same types of regulations are enforced down south, but I do not know. Whatever the cause of these animals running loose is, we must be the ones to remedy the situation because we are the ones who stand to lose it all.