FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Advice please, Sand Boa stopped eating... :(
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Old 03-22-2010, 02:16 PM   #3
Wow! That's a beauty!

I've got a male Kenyan sand boa that rarely eats. We just got home from the vet. Surprisingly he said he wasn't underweight at all. You might want to find a herp vet in your area and see if you can get him wormed. My vet recommended getting some anole droppings and scenting the prey item with them. EWWWWW! I think but I'm desperate enough to try anything to get this guy to eat on a predictable basis! My guy also had some other problems ( probably from taking a walkabout in the house and being found by my cats! ) and he said after the shot of antibiotics he might just turn around.

Good luck with your guy. I know having a finicky eater is tough! Be patient. Being a "domestic" snake is a lot for your guy to get used to.

I'm tempted to get a Saharan but the show I went to only had wild caught ones that were going through a bad shed. I wasn't about to touch them with a 10 ft. pole!
