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Thread: animal planet
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Old 03-31-2010, 01:29 AM   #40
Ok I really cant think of the big name reptile breeder down south that I know of. But he was interviewed for the playboy mag middle of last year. It states from mostly his words as well as many other well known and respected people in the rep industry. The government is blowing the whole thing out of proportion to get money. Money they plan on using to fund all kinds of stuff. One thing being to fix up the everglades from what we man kind have done to it. Yes there is a infestation of a animal not from this part of the world. But they are trying to say that at the time of the playboy issue that the government estimated over a 100,000 burms loose down there. When the number is less then 10,000. Yes we do have a problem in FL with these animals and yes there are people out there that just let stuff loose. But its not as big as you put it off to be. When the 6 trackers they had down there (before they declared open season on burms in a national protected I might add wet land) were only coming across a snake a month the number is not as big as the government wants you to believe. The one snake that was found by the daycare center was planted by one of the trackers to a get the grants and laws going and to be get him a job to do nothing but drive up and down some dirt back roads hoping to come across a snake. Yes it is a propaganda made up by the government and implemented by out sourcing people like animal plant to make the world worry that they will be eaten my a 100 foot snake. (I know I way over exaggerated the 100 feet lol).