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Thread: animal planet
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Old 03-31-2010, 01:31 AM   #4
lmao WTF does Ron Paul have to do with anything? No one I know denies a serious problem with Fl and the wild population there. But seriously, thank you for gracing us with your reflections on how to solve the problem. Yes, WE (including YOU) are the problem. After all, youve been doing this for umpteen years. If you dont see the REAL issues behind the propaganda then I hope what you fight/fought for is still worth fighting for when we will read about the rights we once had.

Do you part, educate the masses. Keep being in the back pocket of the HSUS and PETA so they keep you on their list of people to get their confiscated animals. I mean after all, you received 2100+ animals out of 26000 right? The only people I see that received anything from that raid are people preaching their cause.