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Thread: animal planet
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Old 03-31-2010, 01:51 AM   #42
I didn't read all of this thread I just graced through it. So if iI repeat something I apologize. I agree with most of you, it's bullsh!t what AP is doing. They are scaring the general public and creating a bad persona for reptile hobbyists. But I think there needs to be sticker guidelines for exotic animals including snakes/reptiles. Otherwise our hobby is going to turn into the aquarium hobby, with certain animals you can't keep in certain states (which is a bunch of BS too).

I participate in falconry, there is a strict licensing protocol in order to keep and hunt with birds. IMHO our hobby needs something, with levels & certain animals in each level, like that so D-Bags off the street doesn't go and buy a retic because he thinks it's cool.

Just my 2 cents