FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Gulf of Mexico oil geyser
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Old 05-04-2010, 08:57 PM   #1
Gulf of Mexico oil geyser

Anyone else getting an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of their stomach about that oil geyser in the Gulf of Mexico? Let's see, they are estimating 5,000 barrels of oil per day are coming out of that hole. That's 210,000 GALLONS of crude oil every day. The fix that BP is talking about implementing by drilling another hole to tap into and close the leaking one will take them an estimated 3 months to complete. At the current rate, we are talking about 18,900,000 MORE gallons of crude oil on top of what has already come up up to now.

And I have heard rumors that the entire thing could blow open increasing the flow 10 fold.

I don't know, but I think they really need to come up with a better solution to implement RIGHT NOW.

Connie and I are planning on renting a place down on Sanibel Island near Ft. Myers, FL this Fall. Any bets on that beach not being an oil stained mess at that time? How many other people do you think are backing out of plans to go to the beaches this Summer? This will likely kill the seafood industry and sport fishing in much of the Gulf states and likely up the eastern seaboard when the oil flow goes through the Keys and into the Atlantic.

I don't think the terrorists could have come up with a much better plan to cause America even more economic strife.