FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Never sell a beardie on craigs list
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Old 05-23-2010, 11:15 AM   #7
Dont sell on craigslist. for a good start. but even at that there's gonna be cheap people everywhere. On the C.L. here on fauna, kingsnake. theres always so low ball idiot that doesnt know what there dealing with. an in cases like that your better off not selling to under educated ppl like her. Cause most of the time it can come back to bite you in your butt!
Originally Posted by bliss View Post
Wait - NO. Don't do that, do NOT introduce them to fauna... let sleeping idiots lie.
GOD there is enough re-re's around here dont introduce anymore to this site!
Just playin, this site can take a re-re and educate them. Why sites like this are helpful!
Originally Posted by akaangela View Post
I know I most likely will get hated for this but I have a beef with people selling on craigslist. You are SELLING, not adopting out. There is a difference. If you want to sell your animals don't put them on a place that specifically says it is just for adoptions.
I am not saying your animals are not worth it. Most likely they are. They are most likely far better than what you would find at a pet store. Stick to adds in the paper, fauna, and other places where people are looking to BUY.
People get trashed for selling dogs, cats and stuff in the pet section why should people selling reptiles be any different? It is NOT a place to SELL!!!!
Its just another sales tatic, that has proven out to be quite well for most. No reason to put a trans leather on c.l. but some normals, reds, yellows that your kicking out for 30 40 bucks. But i dont agree with what you said at all.Who cares if your adopting or selling? i can sell a sandfire on there for 30 bucks or sell it on fauna for 30 bucks and then have to ship! so after paypal and shipping materials how much do i make now? 18 bucks?who cares if i type "rehoming fee" or "for sale". WHO CARES? Someone gets a nice dragon and the seller gets rid of it. The easy way. Everyone is happy. Except the ones complaining.
I guess if you dont like ppl selling dragon on c.l. stop reading it if it bothers you that bad... but it works for the little guys who want local buss.

P.s. not hating you for your post. BUT i dont think that your looking at all aspects. Try to find the good in something negative, can make you a positive person.

Lol, look whose talking