FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - A Study on Those Who Keep Snakes... sort of
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Old 05-26-2010, 04:25 PM   #1
Talking A Study on Those Who Keep Snakes... sort of

So whenever I hear an argument against snakes, it usually includes speculation on the kind of people that own them. People say that snake owners are sadists and sociopaths or stupid kids who think they're "cool" etc etc. We often contend that no, we're normal people who just happen to enjoy reptiles.

So I'd like to hear more about the members on this site and get a survey of those that own snakes. I put together a little questionnaire. Sorry if something like this has been done before, but a quick search didn't reveal anything.

What snakes do you own?:
Why do you keep snakes?:
What other animals do you have?:
What other hobbies do you enjoy?:
Anything else to add?:
(Optional) Picture:

So I'll start:

Age: 23
Occupation: Nursing Student
What snakes do you own?: Ball Pythons, Brazilian Rainbow Boa, Blue Beauty
Why do you keep snakes?: I've been fascinated with them since a young age but was unable to keep them due to ophidiphobic parents
What other animals do you have?: cat and a border collie
What other hobbies do you enjoy?: Fishing, drawing and painting
Anything else to add?: I think this would be a fun thread to refer people to the next time they make an offhand comment like the examples above. I also think it would be a good way for me to get to know other people on this site.
(Optional) Picture:

Yes, I am a bit of a goofball.