FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - QUESTIONS FOR THE FEMALE SNAKE-OWNERS
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Old 06-20-2010, 01:09 PM   #128
1. What type of snake(s) do you own?
Ball Pythons

2. What sparked your interest in the particular snake(s) you own?
We breed bearded dragons and crested geckos. I wanted to get into snakes and i was told ball pythons make the best pets.

3. Do you have help with your snake(s)?
Yes my boyfriend loves them as well but i fund most of the projects.

4. How tall are you?

5. Does your choice of snake have anything to do with your size/age?

6. Does your choice of snake have anything to do with your security/safety factor?
I do take pride in showing people my animals and it is great that you can pass around a ball python without worry. There are other lines in the future I would like to get into.

7. What is your age group?
I'm 23
