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Old 03-18-2005, 12:14 PM   #85
Originally Posted by riverjop
quote; The simple fact that there is one standard for "the great friends" who are frequent contributors to the leo forum and ANOTHER standard for those of us who are NOT "great friends" with them, is not cool.

I do NOT condone my particular method in the leo forum, it would not be appropiate and it has been discussed and explained, in a adequate manner I believe, that the posting of the THREAD itself and NOT the PARTICULAR post individually, was an error made in innocenense; merely an attempt at inclusion for everyone in something that looks to be a pretty good time.

I had NO clue that this double standard existed, I am NOT surprised, as those who OFTEN yell loudest about the affront someone has given them are in themselves guilty of the same. That, however, is YET another topic and, should further discourse be wished, should have a thread of its own.

What it really seems to be coming down to, is some folks here don't like some other folks, or folk as it were, because they/I/we do not conform to standards that are arbitrary to begin with.

Ya can't have it both ways folks

Welcome to Earth! LOL Hey clic's elitist groups? You should see my wifes office! It's like a little piece of life! All the love and hate, backstabbing and flowers you could stand!

And Wes, I always thought you "WERE" part of fauna and the LEO section!?
Hmmmm thanks for clearing that up! Now I can opress in a biased way! LOL

HEY Robin! if your are .... like a spring breeze blowing gently across the linens on the cloths line... the warm spring sun on your face and a feild of daiseys meant to frolic through Than why is it snowing so hard right now! can ya send some of that up my way?
Dadgum it folks, I MISSED another membership meeting???

What is up with that?

Ho hum, back to my nice little bit of river bank, leaves just tipping into the cool mountain flow, tasting the glacial freshness of springtime a thousand years ago, feeling my roots deepen, twisting around the very bones of the mountain that is my constant source of wonder and mystery, my branches swaying gently, dancing as the birds alight and fly adding their song to the orchestral wonder that is the wind sliding around and through everything it sees, as I ponder that most interesting of conundrums, human interactions. Perhaps it is the beetle, who knows nothing but the bark he crawls on and the debris he hides under and raises his family in, that is the one who knows all the answers for it is said that he worries at nothing, knowing full well that his place is that of a beetle, to live, to grow, to make more beetles and then to die, thereby making room for those beetles yet to come. He, it is said, worries at none of these as he is completely unaware of thier existance, unable with his little beetle brain, to grasp the concept of interaction, interjection, even happiness itself both escapes and eludes our little coleopteran companion and yet, in his blissful ignorance of all he is missing, is he not a happy beetle, scurrying about like mice on ice, but in no hurry to get to a place he does not know he's looking for?

Ooops, slipped into existentialism there for a minute.

ANYWAY, as was once said by that MOST EXCELLENT of actors, cough cough, though the Matrixes were good, PARTY ON DUDES!!!