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Old 04-28-2007, 11:31 PM   #99
Originally Posted by truthstingz
(TS) Yes i agree with you to a degree as everyone does have the right to do as they please which i guess includes leaving the greater portion of the herpetological community out of the loop whom are no less equally deserving and does anyone even care or take a moment to consider how this makes others feel as a whole or a you saying im the only person on earth displeased with such practices i think not which would truly be foolish considering how many other threads across the forums on the net mention this very type of practice as way out of control serving only the best interests of the almighty dollar.
You know its little whiny ass sissy boys like you who are too scared to let go of momma's apron strings and actually do something for yourself thats ruining this country and our hobby. I bet you grew up getting anything and everything you wanted if you threw a big enough fit. Your parents should have busted your ass a little more when you were a child.

I tell you what buddy, pack your bags and sell all your belongings so you can move to North Korea or China where everything is shared and see if you like it there.
Better yet, quit your freaking whining and join the military. I am sure they would be more than happy to send you to a country where you can experience your socialism first hand.

NUFF SAID........