FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bump & highlight feature enhancement has been implemented
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Old 08-08-2022, 07:01 PM   #1
Exclamation Bump & highlight feature enhancement has been implemented

Recently I had someone ask me about increasing the number of bumps & highlights for the member group he was in. He had already purchased the max amount via the Endowment level, but needed to have more bumps for his ads.

So, I talked this over with my programmer, and what we came up with was to have the bumps & highlights available for each paid member group able to be cumulative. Used to be that the number was set for the one member group (usually the highest) with no way to increase that number. Now the number of bumps for each member group, ie:
  • Contributor (30),
  • Sponsor (30),
  • Benefactor (150),
  • Endowment (400)

will be cumulative. So as a for instance, an Endowment level member that is also a Sponsor would have an allotment of bumps of 430. Endowment (400) plus Sponsor (30). Unfortunately you cannot double the allotment via getting two Endowment level memberships, as the way the base coding is done on the site is to increase the amount of time per payment. So if you were an Endowment level member and purchased another Endowment level, it would only increase your level for an additional year, and not increase the number of bumps available to you. So you can really only have one (1) of each membership level at any given time that affects the bump allotment number.

So if my calculations are correct, the MAXIMUM number of bumps you can have would be 610. Which, I hope, should be sufficient for anyone.