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Old 08-31-2008, 10:39 PM   #46
Jim -
I've read enough of your posts to know that even though we've never met, I'd like ya. Want to get that right up front so neither you nor I get wrapped up in snide comments and bickering.

I don't like the way you said content may be "beneath" me. I think I know what you meant by it, but I want to say I don't think of myself as anything other than a middle aged fat guy in West Virginia who happens to keep some really interesting critters and took the time to learn as much as I can about them.

That being said, I'll back off of my no desirable content at the other gecko forum stance, and revise it to some desirable content, if you sniff it out. All in my opinion. Once again, I do feel that content I deem worthless has to be somewhere, as it has many admirers. I also think beginner type questions and answers are very good topics, and do not include them in my 'unwanted' list.

I guess I should have phrased things a bit better -
The other gecko forum has too much of what I call unproductive content to wade through scattered throughout the forums. I'm very glad those folks are happy with their leopard geckos, and accept the fact that they feel the need to converse with each other, even if I do not appreciate the way they go about it. However, it makes it a drag for a few folks, myself being one of them, to sift through all the inane babble when searching for some info. I think this could be an opportunity to promote the Fauna gecko forums as the place to look when searching out some answers, especially for the more advanced questions. A little fluff could be good, Ed Clarks big frog photo contest in the amphib' forums for example. I understand it is up to me and the other fauna users to make the gecko forums more popular, and as I said I plan to do just that.

Now buy a pair of geckos and help me, as soon as we're done shooting off at each other

Apologize in advance for any capitalization errors - stupid bluetooth keyboard and the right shift key seems to want to post commas when pressed.