FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Offspring outcome question! Red tail boas.
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Old 08-09-2016, 02:04 PM   #2
There are a variety of genes at work here. Both Hypo and Jungle are dominant. Two jungles together would result in approx. 25% super junlges, 50% jungles, 25% normal. Hypo would result in 50% hypos and 50% normals. Since both are het sharp (recessive) 25% of the babies would be visual sharps and the rest would be poss hets. Since the mother is a visual anery, all babies would be het anery.

Assuming both are what they were sold as and the odds gods work their magic you would expect this probable outcome with a 1/32 chance in hitting the last one

Normal Het Anery poss het sharp
Sharp Het Anery
Hypo Het Anery poss het sharp
Jungle Het Anery poss het sharp
Hypo Sharp Het Anery
Jungle Sharp Het Anery
Hypo Jungle Het Anery poss het sharp
Super Jungle Het Anery poss het sharp
Super Jungle Sharp Het anery
Hypo Jungle Sharp Het anery
Hypo Super Jungle Het anery poss het sharp
Hypo Super Jungle Sharp het anery