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Old 03-18-2005, 11:06 AM   #78
I beg to differ ...

Originally Posted by wilomn
My take on what John was saying is this.

He is NOT singling out anyone person, Robin, but the entire GROUP of leopard gecko forum members in its entirety.

From what he says it SEEMS that you all, as a group, find it perfectly ACCEPTABLE for one of your own to cuss and swear but HEAVEN FORBID someone else, regardless of whether or not he, meaning me, is a gecko keeper or not as I am NOT a member of your "elitist" group.

It's pretty plain and simple, marcia, that you must have known of Robins pecadillos and sat quietly by, as so many do, and said NOTHING, and, apparently, it was not just marcia alone but the entire group.

THAT is a double standard. Who was thinking of the children the mysteriously ghost over on their parents user names and passwords? Which is, by the way, a TOS violation, and ALSO overlooked by one and all of that group.

This is where the "impression" of and exclusive group is fortified and solidified in the minds, I suspect, of many.
Wes, to be honest, you're probably right. I think I give my friends here more slack, although I've been known to blow a gasket over conduct once and awhile. (right guys?)

Here's why I reacted so strongly - because your name was in it. I've read your posts, witnessed your reactions and your language. I didn't want my son to read your stuff nor do I want him to go to the Hell forum. Nor did I think it was good for the younger people on this forum to read that sort of stuff. Our kids might hear just as bad of stuff on the school bus, but we don't have to let them see it on the internet, where we have control. And we have had more than our share of debates on this topic, on and off this forum.

That being said - it really is none of my business of what you say or do. I don't know you except from your writings and have little need to strike any relationship with you. I was hoping to keep the Leo forum a nice place where kids could come, but I have come to grips that this is not my job, nor does anyone seem to care. So have at it bud.