FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Experianced Cagebuilders help please!
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Old 03-11-2007, 03:13 AM   #4
Thanks Clay,

That's what I was reading in a book that it's unrealistic to get the full use of the wood because cutting it will result in some loss. How do you overcome this? I cant reasonably buy a new piece of plywood for every part of the cage =\

If I rotated the cut between C & D to basically be an extension of the cut between A & B an additional 34" for the sides then the diff. between the horizontal depth of the cage would be equally "off" right?

I've contacted a bunch of carpenters on my local craigslist and asked them to give me quotes for building this thing and I was planning to maybe "assist" them for free so that I could pick up some of what they're doing. Who knows.

I dont really mind buying more plywood if I'm sure that it'll work out properly. Anything under $400 total cost is a win for me as it'll cost more than that to get a similar cage custom built and shipped to me.