FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Leash Training Crocodilians
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Old 05-15-2012, 06:16 PM   #5
as common a practice it may be, its unethical and dangerous ( not just physcially but society often looks down upon things they do not understand, and with the way the reptile industry is now, its asking for trouble) imo. These animals have been around for millions of years with only instincts to drive them to surivive, the idea of having them being trained to walk on a leash like a dog for a couple of years does not negate their natural behavior. You can keep caiman in florida all year round outside as long as it doesnt drop below 40 you should be fine. If you do start this caiman breeding project be aware that truly domesticating an animal takes hundreds of years (even longer) these are still wild animals your dealing with regardless of how long theyve been in captivity or if they were bred in captivity. You should treat them as such to avoid problems.