FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Trade Breeding Pair of Green Ameivas
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Old 11-23-2009, 05:31 AM   #19
Actually I never asked for a pair of dragons. I was looking for a king,corn,milk,rat snakes or something like that. So if someone wanted to offer me a pair of dragons or anything else for that matter that's really not your choice. Also up where I am ameivas go for $30 a piece and then seeing how they are a breeding pair when you get babies that adds up as well. So please keep your comments to yourself because I did not once ask for anything that was crazy expensive. So when it comes down to it please just mind your own business because i'm sure everyone who wanted them knew how much these lizards were and just wanted them. Not everything is about money or how much something is worth. It's about the hobby and havng and learning how to breed and take care of different animals.