FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - brian foster, bcfos, LIAR
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Old 01-30-2007, 02:04 PM   #37
Griz has hit the nail on the head, for those who feel that Wes deserved the point he has gotten need to take a serious look at your own back porch so to speak. This, and I will borrow a phrase from the feedback post, community is what we make it!! Some long for the old days of 2-3 years ago some are content with how things have progressed. In staying with the community concept this community has grown, and like any town that has gone from 5000 people to 35,000 there is a sense of loss and a sense of failure to maintain the closeness. Yet whose fault is that?? For all the negative that you throw at Wes you might as well be looking at the mirror, and maybe before your fingers hit the keys again decide if your doing what it is you complain about? It takes two to fight I keep telling my kids, so if you don't want to step up and take some of Wes shots best not be firing your own at him.

Wes, as I have said, is a little rough around the edges at times. Yet there is not a single soul on this forum or others that I would trust more. He will tell you the spade is a spade and if it turns out to be a club thats been hit with a marker he will tell you that he was wrong. Now if you choose to persist in the manner of Wes and rip him, then you should also be willing to take the points for doing so. Wes doesn't complain about the points, he just complains of who is handing them out and are they doing so across the board? I would be willing to bet half of you that complain about him, wouldn't handle it in the same manner.

Brian I don't know, other than the persona he has portrayed. At times he has been a royal pain to administration. Complaining about moderators and lack of fairness. Very vocal in his feelings and fairly literate in his posting. Yet the Brian I just described could very easily have the name changed to protect the innocent, or insert Wes, Michael, Jim F, Seamus or any number of members both current and past.

I know there are issues between the two. And if nothing else we finally have it in the BS were we can all wallow in knee deep cow "stuff". Ironic that its agreed that this didn't belong on the BOI yet the posts I have seen tend to look exactly like a BOI thread, review, dissect, analyze everything for the purpose of taking sides.

I agree Bob maybe it is time to pony up the money so that the view can be made crystal clear. And that isn't just you puting up the cash!