FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Brother, sister allegedly smuggled rare boa constrictor into US (Jeremy Stone)
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Old 01-16-2014, 06:34 PM   #14
Kn_M you are misinformed

In the case of the leucistic hognose. The feds did in fact track down all het offspring purchased (and the hets sold for $10,000 each and more) and confiscated them. Anyone that purchased the hets knowing they were of illegal origin were also prosecuted. The feds will track down everyone that purchased animals from Jeremy and confiscate those animals as well. All the hognose that were confiscated ended up going to a zoo, who in turn ended up auctioning some of them off to the public. Once the zoo has legal possession of them, they are within the means of the law to sell them at that point. The same will happened with these boas Im sure. The ones confiscated will likely go to a zoo, but who knows what that zoo will end up doing with them. In any event you are right about the hets, they will track them down and confiscate them but it isnt likely they will get all of them. The animals will come back around one day. Also Im not sure how the laws work with out of country buyers. I would think it would be determined by the laws in their respective countries.