FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Anyone watching the live HR669 Hearing??
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Old 04-23-2009, 07:38 PM   #33
Heart and Soul Reptiles
Glad to hear everyone's opinions and see that everyone is still going to keep working hard!!
What I can't understand is why no one can convince these idiots if they are willing to spend Billions of dollars destroying an entire industry and euthanizing animals.. Why wouldn't they rather provide us in the industry with the means to microchip the animals instead? It would cost a lot less and would solve their problem of not being able to prosecute people who let their animals go. And I don't just mean with the large breeders, I mean with the pet stores as well just to make sure everyone is covered. Just have everyone who wants to sell or breed learn how to microchip and sign up to have shipments sent to them upon request, then they would get their money they're searching for and we would get to keep doing what we do. But who's to say they would even listen if someone could get the point across to them. That's just my two cents.
Keep it going everyone!!