FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - is usark over stepping its rights by proposing rules for states without asking us
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Old 11-18-2011, 02:33 PM   #99
I don't think you guys know Rodney well enough, or you wouldn't waste your time replying to him.

So, Rodney...what do you propose? Down with Wyatt and USARK? Down with the only organization who is trying to help us, in our time of need? Down with compramise and let's follow the "I'm gonna keep my snakes, even if they become illegal and they have to be pried from my cold, dead hands...*insert manly battle cry here*"?

You're not a big breeder. You have a clutch or two, every year. Sure, you've kept snakes for a very long time, but that doesn't amount to a hill of beans. You stand on your pedestal, looking down at all of us "small time people", talking AT us like we're just supposed to blindly jump in line behind you, pick up our pitch forks and storm off to USARKs castle and demand they stop helping us. Sorry, but you're outlook on EVERYTHING just doesn't fly with the masses.

So, if Wyatt steps down and disbands USARK, what are you going to do? Take up the torch and demand from every state legislature that they can't take away out right to own reptiles? Are you going to converse, attend meetings and state hearings, spend tireless hours at the office...all in the name of helping us out?...and, do so without asking for a single penny, from your supports? You can't even type a sentence, using proper capilization, spelling and punctuation. Sorry, but I say Wyatt stays where he's at, HELPING US.

For those of you that aren't up to speed with the Mr. Rodney Boalich...he has a bad habit of slandering people, stating things as fact when he has no proof, doesn't care to throw people under the bus when they're trying to help him/us and just all around, thinks he knows better than everyone else, about every subject you could possibly think of.

Those of us who are supporting and spreading the good word, of USARK, are still going to be doing so. Your propaganda hasn't worked, yet again. Sorry, buddy.