FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Connie (Mrs. WebSlave)
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Old 06-04-2022, 12:25 AM   #46
Connie is having a tough time tonight with a nagging cough. I have a slight one too, but I am writing this off as being an after effect of the acid reflux episode I had Wednesday evening. That doesn't explain hers.

She saw a cardiologist on Wednesday just prior to my being discharged from the ICU, and she ordered some x-rays to be taken of her chest to see if she was getting fluid buildup in her right lung again. Connie says it doesn't feel the same, but doesn't really know what is causing it. Eating or drinking seems to make better VERY temporarily, so that sounds like the problem isn't in the windpipe. For all I know about it, anyway. She is using some cough drops that help a little bit. Liquid cough medicine doesn't seem to do anything to help.

I think at this point she would rather jump off a bridge than to go back to the emergency room again, I think this is going to be a real rough night.

She mentioned that maybe her being at the hospital with me wasn't a real good idea. Sick people hang out in hospitals, and the air is likely filled with all sorts of pathogens looking for a home. Of course, I had no choice in the matter myself, so I could have been exposed myself to something. Hopefully not COVID, but who the heck knows? I was looking at COVID home test kits, but they are saying something ridiculous like "Positive results are accurate, but negative results are not." Oh really?

Jeezus, I want to help her, but I think she is getting aggravated at my hovering over her. Every fiber of my being just wants to FIX her. And I can't....

I think it is valium time. Probably not a good idea to have my heart going haywire.