how to cool 60F cage down??? - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 04-30-2018, 10:06 AM   #1
how to cool 60F cage down???

I have to geckos that i would like to keep the cage cool around 60F. ( I dont have the room to keep my geckos in a seprate room to keep them cool just for FYI) For the ones who ask why 60F temp. I did research and these geckos would have to be around that temp for them to thrive on.

I came up with me own design using a heatsink, small fan, radiator,water pump,peltier and waterblock. Yes the same stuff you would use to keep your CPU cool. From the start I would it would work using a small fan. Figure it would push the air in the cage ( 18x18x24) . I realize the small fan was to weak. Last that week I wen to Frys to buy are bigger one. While messing with it a bit more. I realize that it on pushing air around the cage and that the heatsink is only getting cool but not pushing enought air around. While the heat is over taking the cool. I have using another fan to cool it radiator down but not keeping. So I decide to stop my project. Running out of ideas. I have notice when i spray the cage in the evenings and the fan is only running it would cool the cage down for a few mins

While looking around I seen been use floor tiles which will at least it keep it cool to put in the cage. while other use a cold pack on top of the cage to cool down. But common sense will say it will drip water down ( which these geckos are more dry climate not wet) plus the ice pack would melt and not last for to long.

Does any one have any ideas how to keep the cage cool (60F) that doesnt cost $$$ and has a smart ideas out there.
Old 04-30-2018, 11:16 AM   #2
What is the enclosure made of - glass, pvc, melamine, or ?

Do you need a temperature gradient?

What humidity range is needed?
Old 04-30-2018, 12:15 PM   #3
The glass is made of out glass with a top mesh screen exo terra

temp most of time is 72-75F

Humidity show 50 to 60%
Old 04-30-2018, 03:37 PM   #4
Portable AC

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Old 04-30-2018, 03:40 PM   #5
following im interested in the same thing I have some abronia that I would like to keep them temp a bit cooler
Old 04-30-2018, 03:46 PM   #6
there are tons of portable a/c units. I dont want ton of money on it unit i can find space.

I think what i will do is get a small styrofoam box to fit inside the 18x18x24. Crave a hole big enough for a pc fan to fit ( that very quite ) on the side cover it with a mesh screen ( from home depot) for safety then use a small drink water freeze ( with holes in it) stick inside the small cooler. that way it pushes cool air from the bottom going up. Since heat always rises.
Old 04-30-2018, 06:01 PM   #7
Originally Posted by gabe86 View Post
The glass is made of out glass with a top mesh screen exo terra

temp most of time is 72-75F

Humidity show 50 to 60%
Ok the glass is your problem, it just doesn't insulate very well. As you pointed out, you need to add some sort of insulation to the outside. Styrofoam works, or even wrapping a blanket around it.

For dropping the temp I think a small personal-sized or computer fan on the low setting that blows air across a freezer pack or even a frozen bottle of water that can then flow into the enclosure might be worth a try.
Old 04-30-2018, 06:23 PM   #8
I do agree with you. I thought about putting the blanket around it but I was told they dont like to much dark. Even thought it might make them feel secure. They would need 10hrs or light to mimic the hiberation. I will try to use the frozen bottle in the cage put i will put it in a insluation so the water doesnt get the bark wet ( again they dont like wet climate or soil only dry ). If that doesn work I will use the pc fan like i meant in the last topic with the door mesh screen so the fan doesnt catch them. Hopefully it helps seprate the cool air around the cage and have it on a thermostate ($19)to control the cool
Old 04-30-2018, 06:54 PM   #9
I don't know that I would put something frozen in the enclosure where they can come into contact with it. Maybe try putting a large flat frozen gel pack designed for icing your joints, like you'd use for a sprained ankle, on top of the mesh, with a blanket over top of that to keep the cold air inside.

Do they specifically need bright light or will ambient light from the room be ok? You could just try insulating the two long sides and one short side of the enclosure, leave the other side uncovered to let light into it.
Old 05-01-2018, 01:25 PM   #10
I will try t he ice or frozen bottle of water first. To see how long it stays cool in the cage. If the cage seem to warm up faster. I will try to black one side with insulation or maybe over one vent to help it hold the cool air in. I dont want to spend to much time adding things all in once. Just want to monitor it for a few days.

I might put the frozen bottle in front of the fan. Rather than the front of the bottle. The more i start to think of it. I think the fan in the front my not work just because it might push cool air out faster.

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