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Old 01-23-2007, 05:53 AM   #1
This May Clear Things Up For Some Of You.....


On behalf of Cherylee/KSL, I would like to apologize for what has happened. She started out the thread feeling very upset and embarassed that she had maybe done something considerably stupid and put her snake in harms way, and maybe you can find it in your hearts to see why she would use another username. Cherylee/KSL lost her daughter 10 days ago at the age of 7 years old due to a lifelong stuggle with cerebral palsy. Cherylee is a devoted mother having looked after a handicapped child for 7 years. She is an obvious snake lover. She has a dog, two cats, tropical fish, and a successful career as a Registered Maternity Nurse Practitioner. Her colleagues are her best friends, as I speak for her being one myself. She has successfully delivered over 500 babies on her own in her long career.

Yes, I am using her computer as she sits next to me crying because of the fiasco that went on last night that she feels so responsible for. So go ahead and check the sublet mask, it's the same everywhere. She is humiliated and is so "SORRY". Can you please forgive her, and consider what kind of stress she was and still is under now that you know the circumstances? This is not a lie. I had to sign in with another name because the other two she created are not working now. She phoned me this morning and confessed that she had the worst night since Tamara died. She thought that she had killed her snake and couldn't handle anymore death. I spent all night and day with her.

If you want proof, I will get her to post a picture of her little girl alive and deceased to prove that this awful thing has occurred just so those of you that still don't believe, might open your eyes to this girl's loss. It did not need to go as far as it did on the forum though, and all of you must know this in your hearts or at least your heads. She hasn't been thinking straight for over a week now, and came to an online forum where she felt comfortable, invulnerable and needed to pass some time. Imagine being her and being ganged up on by all of you people. You accussed her of being mentally ill over and over......this just fuelled her fire my friends. She is not mentally ill, but is not stable right now, and under the circumstances I don't think any of you would be either. She told me that she just couldn't admit it because "things had gone too far by the time she felt defeated". I will post pics of Monty and Martha to prove I am on her behalf. She will show me how.

Cher loves her snakes, and tries everyday to do something more to make them comfortable and healthy. Maybe she tries too hard, but ever since she got Monty last April, and Martha in Sept., they've been what's saved her from going crazy looking after a terminal child while on leave from a career she put 7 years into. She has her Masters in Nursing and was going to go for her PhD next year depending on how her daughter was doing. She is a very hard worker and has accompished many things in her life. It must have been coincidence, or you people are really just lucky, but you hit so many sore spots on this girl (mental problems, untrustworthy nurse, her snake going to die, etc.) that it drove her over the cliff. Her words were of hate and anger towards those of you who did gang up on her and you did bully her. It was ten on one and she was drowning in it, and in her own sorrows. Anger is a very big part of losing a child. I think you were the brunt of it. She got caught up in it and couldn't stop. It was almost like maybe she needed to vent her anger or something. Not saying that it was appropriate, but it is understandable why she would do this venting.

Ok, You can all go on with your lives now. I would suggest that a few of you that she mentioned to me (you know who you are) really think hard for one minute (60 sec) about how it didn't need to go as far as it did. You three kept the fire going, and in the end even when she was totally logged off, we read as a guest today that you still were waiting for more. This was entertainment for you and don't deny it. (want some popcorn?) Plugging this girl into the ground because she lied to you, expressed her anger towards americans. I can tell you that anything would have set her off last night. I am surprised she is still with us on this earth. After such a loss. She is deeply sorry for saying those things. She tried to urge it off in the beginning, but those of you who know who you are kept pushing her. She told me there were a few people that did help and gave her some advice and made her feel a bit better that she had gotten an answer about her snake that it wasn't going to die.

She will not be back because of the comments made about her asking the same questions over and over and you getting sick of it. How offensive. She tries her best to take your advice. She has pages and pages of printed out threads that she's pen highlighted on and spent money on trying to do what you have suggested to her. She moved Monty to another room away from Martha so he couldn't smell her and ended up breaking his tank and hurting her back in the process. To my knowledge, that was a suggestion that she DID follow. She's also thought about giving up on animals all together, but I had to convince her that Monty will be ok and snakes must be pretty hardy animals if he's survived this long.

Cher really is a loving and caring person. She's made a few purchases from people off of this site and has told me at work how happy she is to have a forum about her snakes to ask her questions to, and to help others now that she's been through a bit with her two snakes. She really tries hard, she reads every book she can buy at Petland, she surfs the net daily for more info on her snakes. This girl wouldnt' purposely hurt a flea. Fate just came together with the wrong people and the dark side of her came out in the worst time of her life. All said and are some pics that may be of interest to you.
Old 01-23-2007, 06:46 AM   #2
Martha and Monty (her pythons)



Old 01-23-2007, 06:56 AM   #3
Posting those pictures is seriously screwed up. I have nothing else to say but that is just wrong.
Old 01-23-2007, 07:02 AM   #4
I'm not trying to be rude or disrespectful, but are you telling me that Cher/KSL/whoever she is has had two daugters die of cerebral palsy? Isn't that pretty unlikely?

Originally Posted by pleasehaveanopenmind

On behalf of Cherylee/KSL, I would like to apologize for what has happened. She started out the thread feeling very upset and embarassed that she had maybe done something considerably stupid and put her snake in harms way, and maybe you can find it in your hearts to see why she would use another username. Cherylee/KSL lost her daughter 10 days ago at the age of 7 years old due to a lifelong stuggle with cerebral palsy. Cherylee is a devoted mother having looked after a handicapped child for 7 years. She is an obvious snake lover. She has a dog, two cats, tropical fish, and a successful career as a Registered Maternity Nurse Practitioner. Her colleagues are her best friends, as I speak for her being one myself. She has successfully delivered over 500 babies on her own in her long career.

Originally Posted by 6y0ballpython
Martha ate 3 frozen mice last night. Well, they were thawed, but previously frozen. She took them right away. I'll feed them to her until they are all gone and then feed her live ones after that. I paid $2 a mouse for the frozen ones, and I pay $4 each for the live ones. I will try and strike a deal. I do not want to raise my own mice......they stink and I would have to keep them in my garage for the winter because it gets too cold up here to keep them outside. Maybe when we get a shed built, I could raise them in there and it wouldn't matter if they stunk or not. Do you raise your own mice? If so, how do you handle the smell? The lady that I buy them off of has them in a room at the back of her store, and when you walk into the store through the front door, you can smell mouse right away. Going into the room in another story. She has thousands of them, and the smell is just rank. It stinks her whole store up. Her store feels dirty when you walk in because of it. Which is too bad because she has alot of really nice stuff, and she's a really nice lady, but I am sure it turns alot of customers away. It would have turned me away if I didn't need the live mice so badly since they don't sell them anywhere else in GP. I'll send you my yahoo photo link so you can look at my collection of pictures. Just to warn you, there is an album of pictures of my daughter Tamara who passed away two years ago this past July. The pictures are of her at her funeral. So if you don't want to see that kind of thing, then I suggest you do not look at them. Otherwise, I welcome you to see how peaceful and beautiful she looks. She was seven years old when she passed from pneumonia complicated by severe cerebral palsy. She was sick since birth and was severely handicapped. It was a real blessing for her to go when she did because she was starting to suffer more and more each day. Anyways, happy viewing and let me know what you think of them if you find anything you like in particular. I would love to see some pics of you too!!! If you aren't into that sort of thing, that's ok I understand, but feel welcome to view mine anytime. I am watching my favorite movie right now this morning. Cold Mountain......I just absolutely love it. Jude Law and Nicole Kidman make such an awkward couple, and I absolutely hate the ending, but I love the rest of the movie so much that I watch it at least once every week or two. What's your favorite movie?
Old 01-23-2007, 07:05 AM   #5
Originally Posted by FireStorm
I'm not trying to be rude or disrespectful, but are you telling me that Cher/KSL/whoever she is has had two daugters die of cerebral palsy? Isn't that pretty unlikely?

Good Lord, really is there now depth that this person wont sink too. There are no words.
Old 01-23-2007, 07:37 AM   #6
OK, somehow the owners of thuis site need to figure out a way to have this person banned!!! No more postings should be allowed from this ISP. This woman is sick and something should be done about her. I think if anyone lives in the same area as her you should have the local authorities look into her state of mental health!!!
Old 01-23-2007, 07:42 AM   #7
that was me (Co worker) who embelished that for her sake so maybe there might be a hint of sympathy in what this girl deals with every day of her life and especially the past week it's been hard for her and she's taken a leave of absence from work to get help for it. You know it's not a lie about her child dying.....blame me for the embelishment, but you people really do not have any sympathy. this woman has made it through hell and back and is still suffering. She has never lied to you before last night and has been a contributing member of the forum helping others in their problems as well. May god have mercy on your souls. Death is something that you do not play around with. Cherylee has faced it. She tried to save this little girl's life every day that she lived with her handicapps and when it came time to say goodbye, she even tried CPR to bring her back. And you pull up flack on her like this. And I will bring your children into this Texas when you make comments about her's like that in reference to something being sick. If that were your child up there and you wanted to show others how beautiful she was in life AND death, you may do the same thing. But since you haven't lost a child, you have no right to make any comment about those pics. They are there for others to admire what God created and took back to end her suffering. You have a real mean streak in you don't you. Luckily I can save her from your rude comments because frankly I don't think she can take want that on your conscience????

I am sure others will follow suit just as you have her apologies were all in vain. Too bad. She won't have to worry about you now because I am not going to show her these posts. Actually. she's done with you now. You are right, the end. Go away and take care of your children because trust me you don't want to lose one.
Old 01-23-2007, 07:47 AM   #8
Originally Posted by pleasehaveanopenmind
that was me (Co worker) who embelished that for her sake so maybe there might be a hint of sympathy in what this girl deals with every day of her life and especially the past week it's been hard for her and she's taken a leave of absence from work to get help for it. You know it's not a lie about her child dying.....blame me for the embelishment, but you people really do not have any sympathy. this woman has made it through hell and back and is still suffering. She has never lied to you before last night and has been a contributing member of the forum helping others in their problems as well. May god have mercy on your souls. Death is something that you do not play around with. Cherylee has faced it. She tried to save this little girl's life every day that she lived with her handicapps and when it came time to say goodbye, she even tried CPR to bring her back. And you pull up flack on her like this. And I will bring your children into this Texas when you make comments about her's like that in reference to something being sick. If that were your child up there and you wanted to show others how beautiful she was in life AND death, you may do the same thing. But since you haven't lost a child, you have no right to make any comment about those pics. They are there for others to admire what God created and took back to end her suffering. You have a real mean streak in you don't you. Luckily I can save her from your rude comments because frankly I don't think she can take want that on your conscience????

I am sure others will follow suit just as you have her apologies were all in vain. Too bad. She won't have to worry about you now because I am not going to show her these posts. Actually. she's done with you now. You are right, the end. Go away and take care of your children because trust me you don't want to lose one.
Presuming this is for me and you posted it on the wrong thread as you mention my children again. I will not respond to posts about my children, simple as that, they are loved and have a sane mother.
Are you really going to continue this farce? We know you are all one sick person.
You seriously need help
Old 01-23-2007, 07:51 AM   #9
IP numbers change all of the time (no one ever knows how often), but it's our ISP's way of stopping people from hacking into other people's computers and banning them from forums.
Old 01-23-2007, 07:52 AM   #10
come on Mr. Frank. we're waiting

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