Time to get rid of them all! - FaunaClassifieds
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SOUND OFF!!! Ever have something REALLY bugging you and nowhere to vent about it? Well, this is the place. It does not have to be fauna oriented at all! Get it off your chest right here.

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Old 08-08-2011, 04:05 PM   #1
Time to get rid of them all!

The politicians have successfully destroyed this country.

Unemployment is sky high (much higher that they report), the debt is out of control, the stock market is crashing, home values are crashing, the middle class is a thing of the past, and now they go on vacation until Labor Day!
It's time to get rid of every single politician in office. Start fresh with all new people. No political experience. Perfect. You get my vote. That means you have no cronies.
I am sick of the way this country is being turned into a 3rd world country.
Social Security is out of money? Stop stealing from it to fund your pet projects!
The free trade agreement which will be the first item they take up when they come back. How many jobs will that force overseas?

Not only did the federal government destroy the country but CT just destroyed our state as well.
CT upped the state income tax from 3% to 5% for regular pay residents. Dropped the income tax property tax deduction from $500 to $300 (guess what I pay $5K on taxes for the house alone!), increased the sales tax from 6% to 6.5% and all the items that used to be non-taxable (such as clothes under $50) are now taxable, increased the gas tax another 15 cents, and the kicker is that house sales are now taxable. That's right. The buyer needs to pay 6.5% sales tax on the home they buy.

I am so sick of politicians not willing to give up anything and won't close the loopholes that their contributors take advantage of (GE tax loopholes).

All these idiots care about is raising money for their next campaign. 12 senators had fund raisers the day before the debt ceiling issue had to be finalized.

Their priorities are not the best interest of the country. They only want to get as much for themselves as they can.

It's time to get rid of every politician out there. Time to clean house. This country and everyday Americans cannot go on like this much longer.

From the top down. They need to go!
Old 08-08-2011, 05:18 PM   #2
Not only the politicians but all the media that is causing half the issues due to them creating issues.

I've said for quite some time, all the politicians are the same. They only care about keeping their grip on power. Put them all out and put farmers and small business owners in place instead. Get rid of all the lobbiests, and have them vote only on things they damn well UNDERSTAND!

The last time I was talking to a congressman's office, they said outright that the congressman didn't "have time" to read the proposed laws. If he hasn't got time to read the damn laws, he needs OUT!
Old 08-08-2011, 06:08 PM   #3
Our government is a reflection of us, and it's our fault we are where we are. We are the ones who elected them. We are the ones that chose where and how we spend our money. We are the ones who demanded more money for non skilled labor. We drove jobs out of the country and supported the companies who moved by buying their imported projects.

Until the people of this country get back to the qualities that made us great we are doomed.
Old 08-08-2011, 06:56 PM   #4
Originally Posted by SPJ View Post
house sales are now taxable.
That may mean that people simply will stay where they are, so that was a very short sighted move by the state in my opinion. When people move to a different home, movers get paid, painters get paid, new furniture might be purchased, there are all sorts of expenses that put money into the pockets of workers. Now that won't happen.

Originally Posted by garweft View Post
Our government is a reflection of us.
I agree. I hear people say that they won't vote because it doesn't do any good and it's all a game. Trouble is, they don't participate in alternatives to voting or get involved.

Participation is easier said that done, but if you put a car on cruise control, sooner or later, it is going to crash.

Originally Posted by Wolfy-hound View Post
Put them all out and put farmers and small business owners in place instead.

While replacing some of the corrupt and incompetent leaders is a good start, it might be a good idea to shake the apathy out of some citizens that expect that all that needs to be done is to replace those leaders.

Voting or however we choose to participate, should be a personal responsibility to make time for and to teach our children about; and maybe should be structured as time that can be taken from work, to do our work as citizens.
Old 08-08-2011, 09:35 PM   #5
Actually, does anyone really believe that the REAL power in this country can be influenced at all by the ballot box? Do you even KNOW how your vote is actually counted and it was applied to who you wanted it to be?

Do you really believe that REAL power would allow itself to be in a position where the unwashed masses could remove them from power simply by VOTING to do so?

Did you ever wonder how cattle can be kept in a field with just a flimsy little wire fence around them?
Old 08-08-2011, 09:36 PM   #6
Originally Posted by garweft View Post
We are the ones who elected them.
I'm beginning to think elections are rigged and the outcome is predetermined no matter who you cast the ballot for.
Old 08-08-2011, 10:00 PM   #7
Actually the voting could be completely honest, but when all the choices are more politicians who will do NOTHING different than the ones before, what does it matter if the voting is honest or not?
Old 08-09-2011, 11:37 AM   #8
It doesn't matter what politicians are in office. As long as the people in this country continue to have a sense of entitlement we will never get back to a position of economic prosperity.
Old 08-09-2011, 12:22 PM   #9
Originally Posted by garweft View Post
It doesn't matter what politicians are in office. As long as the people in this country continue to have a sense of entitlement we will never get back to a position of economic prosperity.
What do you consider to be "entitlements"?
Old 08-09-2011, 01:59 PM   #10
If you mean social security, then give me back EVERYTHING I have paid into it because you do not pay into entitlements.
The politicians have robbed social security to pay for tax breaks for their donators and fund pet projects. Social security is self funded and would not have problems if they had just left it alone. Because they blew the money that WE put in, they want to cut it. That is complete BS. They spent the money on other things and now to avoid having to pay it back, they want to just cut the benefits.
If you look at the total spending, defense (the wars, homeland security, missile defense programs for other countries, NATO spending, etc), that makes up MUCH more than social security, medicare and medicaid combined.
The fear mongering and total lack of leadership in Washington has destroyed this country.
What are politicians focusing on right now? Not the unemployment, not the downgrade in the rating, not the recession (which we NEVER came out of), they are focused on their re-election campaign.
All they care about is themselves.
Time to clean house.

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