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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 08-02-2015, 01:50 AM   #1
Exclamation Security & Privacy, Personal information, Stolen Identities, Protecting Our Family

When I registered to this board, I was asked for personal information and location identifiers.

For some, this is not an issue, you simply do not care about your security or privacy.

Identity Thieves can browse the board, find a name, location and username. Then cross-reference public records and get the rest of the personal info. Like, um, your ADDRESS, DOB, digging further, SS#, next of kin, family, etc.

I for one am NOT ok with that. I choose to use a pseudonym in real life and on the net on a day to day basis.

Never has this become an issue in the past with all my dealings. I was given 24hrs to give my REAL name, that will be displayed on the open board in clear view for the world to see. Same with my REAL Location city, town. Or else I will be banned and deleted.

There is no feature enabled for the users on this board to hide location or name in the usercp section. We can change our location at will but not name.

I plead with you, all mighty admin. Up your security and protect your user base. Having our REAL NAMES and REAL LOCATION in plain sight is NOT Fair or safe.

If scamming is the issue, you have the IP and that is more than enough to have the authorities get their investigations in hand.

I searched for the right subform and this was really the only one I saw or found that fir the criteria. There was not a 'Board Suggestion' section.

Please, everyone. I encourage you to voice your opinion on this matter and take better precautionary steps with your privacy and identity. voice your opinions and concerns here.
Old 08-02-2015, 01:57 AM   #2
As for scamming, Do you really think a scammer would come up with an easily believable name/ alias? Something 'normal'? Yeah, I am the one and only skygear/ moto mike.

Not here to scam anyone, just looking for a couple snakes that retail for $100 each. Wouldn't risk jail time over $100. Thats Wire fraud since it would ship over state lines and a few other things. More importantly, too much time and effort to scam someone than I am willing to put in.

My original thread was in the testing area.

Also, I was infracted for my 'Wanted' post for not having a 'Real Name' - pseudonyms are used in publications, stage names, and many other things to help PROTECT peoples identities. I was infracted in my second post, in a thread from BHB for sale thread on the 2 snakes I have inquired about over a month ago over the phone and email with them. The infraction was due to my location being invalid.

Again, I still feel that this is unfair and there should be limits to what is mandatory on a board that is public for anyone to see even if they are NOT a user here. Major security/ privacy flaw.
Old 08-02-2015, 02:01 AM   #3
I'm logging off now. I have to get some rest. Big day planned for the family. Cookout, beach, camping, and some new areas we are exploring. Looking for new Herps
Old 08-02-2015, 02:02 AM   #4
Fauna requires that you provide factual information about your identity and location. That's just how it is. I doubt it's ever going to change. If that's not something you're willing to do, I guess you just won't be allowed to play in this sandbox.
Old 08-02-2015, 02:10 AM   #5
There should be exceptions and other considerations.

for instance, your profile name.

I didn't search because I really do not care. This doesn't concern you in the least?
Old 08-02-2015, 02:36 AM   #6
Originally Posted by skygear View Post
There should be exceptions and other considerations.

for instance, your profile name.

I didn't search because I really do not care. This doesn't concern you in the least?
That doesn't concern me at all. I've had my past dug up and thrown in my face already. I own everything I've ever done - the good with the bad. And if someone feels the need to come looking for me with bad intentions in mind, they may not like what they end up finding. I put conscious effort into not living in fear; let the chips fall where they may. In my mind, people who choose to hide are those who have the most to hide. I instinctively distrust overly secretive people.

I like the idea that the same rules are applied to all members. If exceptions are made for some, it'll likely trigger an avalanche of those who feel that they're also too special to have to abide by the rules. I prefer things the way they are.
Old 08-02-2015, 02:19 AM   #7
Anyways, really logging off right now. I have 'lurked' on this board for a couple years and only registered this morning. My focus was my children and I missed out on a lot of interesting specimens over the years. Now, my children are sharing some of the same interests and have had their hearts set on a couple herps we cannot get locally and that are not readily found on the net through our searches.

That is why I decided to create my account here. I normally use the Tapatalk interface to browse the site and do not see all the stickies and suck all the time/. Mostly I look at the herps that interest my children and I, then watch as they slip away.
Old 08-02-2015, 03:07 AM   #8
I like the idea that the same rules are applied to all members. If exceptions are made for some, it'll likely trigger an avalanche of those who feel that they're also too special to have to abide by the rules. I prefer things the way they are.
Yep, what Dan said.
Old 08-02-2015, 06:05 PM   #9
Originally Posted by skygear View Post
Please, everyone. I encourage you to voice your opinion on this matter and take better precautionary steps with your privacy and identity. voice your opinions and concerns here.
Power in numbers only works if you have the numbers, fella....
Old 08-02-2015, 08:46 PM   #10
You people, wow. Take the internet too seriously. There is real and present danger with your Personal information. It should be the users choice to openly display it or not.

Rich, you must know the risks of the information you want all of the users to display. There is no way you can't know. At 65 (displayed age) there is no way you don't watch the news and see the risks the news people even say not to use!!! Let alone the police!

I am not one of these ponzi importer scammers. I am a local guy wanting to get a couple inexpensive snakes for his daughters,.

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