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Old 11-05-2006, 08:25 PM   #1
Keeping snakes in the same cage

Hi, I currently own an Okeetee Corn Snake that's about a year old (it's still rather small). It's in a 10-gallon cage right now, but I will probably buy a bigger one soon.

I have been thinking about getting a Western Hognose, and I was wondering if I can keep the two snakes in the same enclosure. Does anyone know if this would be all right?
Old 11-05-2006, 09:15 PM   #2
No snakes should be kept in the same enclosure, whether or not they are the same species.

The #1 reason why what you asked is a bad idea; Cornsnakes have completely different care and habitat requirements then Western Hognose.

Cohabitation also has risks of cannibalism, stress and disease transmission.

The short answer to your question is "No. Don't even think about it."
Old 11-05-2006, 09:30 PM   #3
I disagree. I have kept corns together for multiple generations. I have kept milks together for multiple genrations. I have kept hognoses together for multiple generations. I have kept jungle corns together for multiple generations.

Long ago, when I had my shop, I did many experiments on who would live with whom. Hogs and corns can live nicely in the same enclosure and can survive quite healthily.

Most don't recommend it but it can be done, is being done, with ease.
Old 11-05-2006, 09:42 PM   #4
Sorry Wes, but I strongly disagree with you.

I feel that a responsible keeper would not risk the health of their animals whom have no choice in the matter. What would happen if someone followed your advice and one of the animals died because of it? I honestly have never heard of anyone recommending different species being housed together.

In the end, each owner will do as they please...However I choose to not risk the health and "happiness" of my animals by forcing them into a cohabited situation.

If you can not provide the proper care, you shouldn't have them at all.
Old 11-05-2006, 09:48 PM   #5
Here's a good link showing both same species & different species cannibalism.

WARNING: Graphic pics included on thread!
Old 11-08-2006, 02:15 PM   #6
Mooing Tricycle
Originally Posted by Wilomn
I disagree. I have kept corns together for multiple generations. I have kept milks together for multiple genrations. I have kept hognoses together for multiple generations. I have kept jungle corns together for multiple generations.

Long ago, when I had my shop, I did many experiments on who would live with whom. Hogs and corns can live nicely in the same enclosure and can survive quite healthily.

Most don't recommend it but it can be done, is being done, with ease.
I have to disagree too, this informaton is all well and good for experienced herpers, But NOT something you should be passing around to new keepers who know nothing of the spread of diseases betweens animals or specific specie care. Snakes are not friends with eachother and are solitary animals. they should never be housed together for any other purpose than breeding.
Old 11-08-2006, 02:30 PM   #7
Originally Posted by Mooing Tricycle
I have to disagree too, this informaton is all well and good for experienced herpers, But NOT something you should be passing around to new keepers who know nothing of the spread of diseases betweens animals or specific specie care. Snakes are not friends with eachother and are solitary animals. they should never be housed together for any other purpose than breeding.
So, all those times I've found seveal kings, gophers, crots, sharptials, night snakes, coachwhips, lyres, and a plethora of others, under the same cover or in the same hole, they were all on Death's Doorstep?

Look, I know you're stephs friend, but don't go making this personal.

She's wrong, you're wrong.

And since WHEN do you with hold ANY information from a newbie? You two got some sort of outline of what needs to be told to a newbie and when they need to be told?

I also hear rumors of LOTS of rattlesnakes denning together. Guess they haven't heard from you or she of the massive moons, eh?

Oh and hey, what about all those garters, reliablly counted in the thousands that group together EVERY DANG YEAR for cooling and breeding?

I reckon THEY haven't heard from you or your friend either, huh?

You two should just let it go. All you are doing is cementing in the minds of The Faithful Fauna Readers that you are not anywhere NEAR as knowledgable as you PRETEND to be.

And then of course there's the fact that it has been done successfully many times by many people in captive populations.

But we can ignore all of that and just listen to you two founts of wisdom.

Old 11-08-2006, 02:57 PM   #8
Yes, Chris, I never expected this many replies when I posted a single question! Heh.

But back on track, thanks to everyone for the on-topic replies. I didn't realize there were more risks than just cannibalism (that's the only one that I thought of myself).

I am already planning on buying a larger cage for my corn, so that is not an issue. If I do end up buying another snake, it will go in the cage I currently have and I'll just need to buy another heating lamp.
Old 11-08-2006, 03:05 PM   #9
Mooing Tricycle
Originally Posted by Wilomn
group together EVERY DANG YEAR for cooling and breeding?
Yeah, For Just that. Cooling, and BREEDING. /point

youre being very silly you realize... I dont really know Steph actually at all... i almost know you better than i know her. So in that sense, youre very wrong.

( not.. that knowing steph would be a bad thing of course! im sure shes a sweetie)

All im saying is, passing around this information that its been done and okay in your mindset, is not right to give to NEW keepers. People that just dont understand the important parts of keeping these animals healthy and well, and stress free.
Sure experienced keepers can do this because they understand their animals and their dispositions, they know whos eaten what and whos healthy for sure. BUT when somone like you says its okay to house two DIFFERENT species together in passing and breifly, then thats all the newbies will read and theyll go on ahead and do it.
I dont think thats very responsible as a keeper and breeder at all.

Teaching these new keepers ( and im still learning here) and showing them how to properly care for one animal before they get another is what should be going on. Not "oh toss em together, they MIGHT be fine".

Sure, youve done it. but others have too wes, others have also had BAD experiences with doing such things. Otherwise, why would so many of the herp keeping world advise against it???? im noy just saying anything because its fun and i like to argue with you. Trust me, arguing with you is NOT fun.

Sure animals in the wild will be homed together for shelter. something thats not that easy to find in the wild. But these are Captive animals, and should be treated as such.

why do you resort to insults? it dosnt really help your argument any?
Old 11-08-2006, 04:29 PM   #10
I was going to comment further but, at the moment, I just can't bring myself to do it. Let it suffice to say that recommendations are just that. They are not absolutes, and going against somebody's recommendations does not automatically mean "wrong". The dangers of housing snakes together have been presented; the fact that it can be done has been acknowledged (well, disputed by some - but for the wrong reasons). One cannot legitimately say it can't be done in the presence of evidence that it can. Nobody has stated that they recommend the why fuel the fire?
Alicia - I have to contest your statements about the appropriateness of Wes' (and in effect, my) comments for newbies...are you suggesting that we lie to them? Is there a specific time frame, or other milestone that indicates their readiness to receive facts? Remember, as I pointed out above, nobody has stated that they recommend the practice of cohabitation. In fact, I regularly recommend against it. There is, however, a difference between recommending against it and saying it is wrong, or that it cannot be done.

What some people seem to be missing is that there are very few absolutes, and this isn't about right and wrong. Different strokes for different folks, and all that. What works for one person may be disasterous when attempted by another.
Stephanie, who spoke (typed) adamantly against cohabitating snakes admits that she has done it she "knows better". You know what - good for her. She is happy with how she is doing things, and it works for her. Wes cohabitates some of his snakes, has been doing so for longer than many people have been keeping snakes - he is happy with that...(you guessed it) good for him. Does that mean that either of them are wrong for their choice? NO. Does it give either of them the right, or reason, to criticize the other for their way? NO.

(darn it, I guess I responded after all, lol)
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