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SOUND OFF!!! Ever have something REALLY bugging you and nowhere to vent about it? Well, this is the place. It does not have to be fauna oriented at all! Get it off your chest right here.

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Old 04-29-2004, 07:51 AM   #1
j tyler
Fat People

I just got back from visiting someone in the hospital. The place was crawling with fat slobs. I am sick and tired of grossly obese women wearing shorts and having their thighs rub together. People in this country are constantly complaining about indecency, but I think having to view these people who are ugly and and don't care about themselves is the most indecent thing we are exposed to.
Old 04-29-2004, 08:03 AM   #2
Interesting that you mentioned only grossly obese "women".

While I find it sad that some people have allowed their health to deteriorate significantly due to a lack of discipline with exercise or food, I think your post indicates a complete ignorance of obesity and its causes.

You should research the genetics of, and the medical and pyschological causes of obesity before passing judgment on all these "ugly" "grossly obese" "fat slobs".

Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Your sensitivity to others' struggles is of a level I don't believe I've been exposed to before.

And, no, I'm not obese.
Old 04-29-2004, 08:25 AM   #3
j tyler
Cause of obesity=eating too much. Why don't you see fatties in third world countries?
Old 04-29-2004, 09:21 AM   #4
Seamus Haley
Cause of obesity=eating too much.
Not always.

Pretty ignorant viewpoint you have there, but I suppose that you're entitled to an opinion. Just don't be surprised if nobody with a brain respects it.

If the physical appearance of others is such a concern for you, perhaps you should consider... not looking at other people and not placing yourself into a situation where you will be able to see others. You really have nobody to blame for looking except yourself.

What DOES bother me when it comes to weight issues (and other health issues... and even some issues which are linked only in what they have become rather than the root cause) is what they have come to represent in modern American society. The very few individuals who start and/or participate in class action lawsuits against fast food companies, alchohol companies, tobacco companies... blaming outside sources for their own problems, THAT bothers me. I really wish for a return to a time when people could do just about anything they wanted if the only one affected was themselves... and they would put the blame squarely where it belongs. In this day and age anyone who doesn't know that fast food isn't healthy, that tobacco can cause cancer (among other things), that coffee is supposed to be hot and that driving while drunk will eventually cause a lot of damage has serious brain injuries and should really get those figured out before suing everyone in sight because they decided to make some poor choices when it came to their own health.

This is really a beef with the ease at which absurd litigation can be undertaken rather than the underlying problems however. I know that my own physical appearance is far enough from the ideal that any criticism of others on that score would simply be hypocritical and idiotic... Much like j tyler's statements have proven to be.
Old 04-29-2004, 10:07 AM   #5
Darin Chappell
I am a big guy. Too fat for my own good, but not so much so that people stop and stare as I walk down the street.

However, when I was 20, I was rail thin. All the men in my family are "big guys" as far as the eye can see. When I hit 30, all of the exercising I did was no longer good enough. I quit smoking about that same time frame, and gained about 40 pounds seemingly overnight. Do I need to lose weight? Yep. Am I going to do so any time soon? Who knows? Doubtful.

I just have to wonder how many years Mr. Tyler has completed? Perhaps he is one of those who is always going to be thin throughout life, but it has been my experience that we all tend to get that "middle aged spread" sooner or later. Hopefully, Mr. Tyler will have learned a little about not judging others by their outward appearances by then, and he won't have to run into any one else who has not.
Old 12-23-2004, 10:36 PM   #6
i agree with you on one point , grossly obese peope that wear skimpy clothing disgust me . now as far as your other points ... im a big guy 6' 295# . i ws thin all my life then i lost my knee and quit smoking at about the same time . i didnt start grossly overeating , i have alwasy eaten alot . but i used to also participate in all kinds of sports and now i was forbidden to so much as climb a flight of stairs . within the next 3 years i gained 100 pounds . now you may say 295 ! thats as big as a house ! heh , most people that look at me would guess my weight at closer to 220 . i may be big , but im not flabby . the biggest down fall is now peopel look at me and expect me to be as strong as i have alwasy been . i liked it better when peopel grossly underestimated me . thats my 2 cents worth
Old 12-24-2004, 04:34 PM   #7
OK, I am going to need to sound off a bit on this one. My little brother is 6ft4 and called about 3 christmases ago to brag he finally got over 150 lbs. My little sister is 5ft8 and 115 lbs and can eat whatever she wants. She has worked in a fast food restaurant since high school and eats a lot of fast food, but never gains weight. Meanwhile, I am 5ft6 and abuot 150 lbs. I eat healthier than my sister, yet since the age of 15/16 I have struggled with my weight. I have been as light as 120 lbs, but when I wighed that little people were fussing at me to eat more or go to the doctor because I looked ill. The same thing happened during my tour in Iraq, when I went down to at least 125 lbs and came back looking similar to a holocaust survivor. I just don't look right below 135 lbs because of my body structure: wide hips and large breasts. At 150 lbs I eat better and mind my diet much more than I did at 120 lbs, so it is not always a matter of willpower or attention to detail as some posters have suggested.

Now here's an interesting twist: prior to being deployed I was riding the "overweight" line on purpose! Yes, I purposely went up to 160 lbs, 25 lbs over my "ideal" weight for the simply reason I know I drop weight fast in field conditions. I even called it "deployment insurance" and my sgts laughed at that idea until about 6 weeks in the sandbox when they saw me again and saw how much weight I had already dropped. A lot of people dropped weight over there, including those who didn't have the pounds to lose.

Now, since the division got back early this year, there has been a "problem" with overweight soldiers. Are you aware that large weight loss will trigger a cellular response to gain weight faster and keep it on longer no matter what because the body went into a "depravation" mode? Apply that theory to all of these people who do these unhealthy fad and crash diets. If you talk to alot of these people who are overweight and/or obese, you'll hear how they have tried diet after diet, only to gain the weight back AND THEN SOME when they switched to a "maintenance" diet. After so many diets, the body will simply refuse to lose the weight. For some reason medical and health specialists disregarded that for years, and only recently has it started to get attention in publicized studies.

As for J Tyler's comment about fat WOMEN who are out walking around...all the power to them! They are out moving around trying to get some exercise. Should they stay in their rooms until dark so they aren't seen and don't offend him? No, let them get out, walk around, then jog if their knees are able to take it, then maybe even run later. It all starts somewhere. As for how the fat women dress, they have every right to dress up as he does. I am not fat, nor will I ever be thin again, but I dress to suit myself and my mood. If I want to put on a miniskirt and midriff top, I will. If you don't want to look at me when I dress up, that is fine with me. I probably wouldn't spare you a second glance either, as I would consider you "too young" and "still a kid" probably too young to buy me a drink legally Besides that, I prefer my men to do their thinking above the shoulders most of the time.

Old 04-20-2005, 10:33 AM   #8
Ginger Ambrose
Warning! What ?

I just came across this thread, and I must say I was somewhat appaled at the choice of wording the young man who started this used.
Yes I am a large woman, I am 41 years old and have given birth 5 times. No that is no excuse however. The fact that my entire maternal side of the family have struggled with obesity, for 4 to 5 generations is a major factor.
We have very slow metabolisims, and the fact that we have all tried to conform to "normal" peoples ideas of what we should look like we have dieted and dieted some of us to death, has in turn caused our metabolisms to decline even to a point of not really working at all.
I have done alot of exercising and am an active person, I am very carefull of my eating habits however I remain at the same weight give or take 5 lbs. I have done so for 20 some odd years.
As for the way "these" people dress I say " if you are big dress big" do not try to wear something designed for a 110 lb person. Some clothing is just not designed to be made in a 3x. Just because the store sells it does not mean you or I should wear it.
You CAN dress for your size and feel comfortable, sexy, professional, sporty, or what ever you are looking for, you can show your "style" without showing your A**. and if it is as big as mine then believe me the world is not ready to see that. LOL
Look at others beyond the outer covering, you will usually be happy you did.
Ginger Ambrose

"You're never too old to learn"
Old 04-29-2004, 11:32 AM   #9
Mercer Don
I feel for the children who are fed fastfood every meal of the day, by their parents, whom are to damn lazy to cook a balanced meal. I feel for the the people with genetic problems who must resort to having their stomachs stapled to restrict food intake or take medications. I pity us "older" folks who must give up, or greatly reduce, our pleasures in life; (Drinking, cheese cake, meat n potatos, etc) just to fit into that 5 year old pair of jeans.

Now, for the "significently over weight" folks, who just don't care about their appearence, and have zero willpower, that is a different story. I have never met a "large" person, who actually enjoyed the way they were. As they are chowing down on their Big Mac w/cheese, extra, extra large fry and diet whatever to drink, they speak of the diet they are going on next week. Quickly, talk changes of where to go after lunch; DQ or that 31 flavors place. Then, off to the grocery store for chips, bon bons and more diet whatever, so they are well stocked for the afternoon soaps and talk shows. My feeling is these folks suffer from a weakness. They see food as a way to escape from lifes troubles. Some drink, some smoke, some find religion. All are means of escaping from the hardship of life, even if only for a moment. Really can't blame anybody but themselves, although they would much rather pass the blame to society or someone else.

Do I enjoy seeing the girl in the half shirt or bikini with rolls a flappin as she walks? Hell no! What about the guy with the belly that hangs down to his knees? Another big hell no! Am I one to judge these folks? HELL NO! Some people are attracted to "large" people. Songs have been written about fat women. Do AC/DC, Frank Zappa, and Queen know something I don't, about "large" love? Bigger the cushion, better the pushin? I wont be diving in with a 2x4 strapped to my a$$ anytime soon!
Old 04-29-2004, 12:38 PM   #10
Reptile Locators
Obesity some causes!

Their are many causes for "Obesity"

1) Uncontrolable thyroid gland
which it not always controlable with med's.

2) Deperssion. can cause it,the med's used to treat it as well can cause weight gain.

3) Diabetics can have uncontroled weight gain, even being responcable with all health care to their self.

4) Pear Pressure from children / adults constantly picking at you in school,or the work place just be cause they are judgmental moraless or valueless or holeyer than thou, which can bring on the onset of turning to food or causing depression, Cause. case and point this one can leads to Obesity and in some cases Suicide! you Know the "words of hate" fat girl/boy ugly girl /boy you smell,you stink,your a slob, which are some of the more mileder used words. usualy the people making these remarks are not happy in their own life.

Their are many more reason for Obesity than i know of, but i can tell you i have personaly delt with the loss of my father due to Obesity, He was no SLOB! i grew up with being aroud the public gaucking crud and hatefull remarks and even being beat up by kids because my fathers Obesity just be cause of the common attitude and mentality of crule people. My father died from it because of a thyroid problem that led to other health problems at a young age of 49 yrs of age, even though being treated by doctors for this condition.
I my self do not consider me to be the perfict weight and am most lilkly 40 -50 lbs over what i should be,althoe at the age of 20, I was only 140 lbs soakin wet. but as years and age would have it that is no longer the case
Passing judgement on a person because they offend you with their weight,looks or handicap just showes a lack of moral values and consideration for others not knowing if their problem is medical or other wise

so someone who feel's Obesity is disgusting and dont want to see it should step back and ask them selves this question what if it were my father, mother, brother,sister, Child or even your self would you call them a slob and be offended or try to understand and be concerned and try to help them as much as possible to change what the cause might be think about it talk about it but dont condem a person it till you know the facts.
someone you love may have this kind of problem and who knows they my be here for the next 20 yrs or gone tomorrow you never know.

This is only my opinion and i hope it would be taken to heart for the next time someone who sees obesity and shearly concludes
that they are just slobs

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