A few things that irk me - FaunaClassifieds
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SOUND OFF!!! Ever have something REALLY bugging you and nowhere to vent about it? Well, this is the place. It does not have to be fauna oriented at all! Get it off your chest right here.

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Old 07-17-2006, 04:20 AM   #1
A few things that irk me

We all have a list of things that irritate us, share yours.

Things that me make grit my teeth:

Todays teenagers. They have absolutely no regard for anyone. No manners. And the way they dress. Everytime I see someone with their pants halfway down their legs, I want to just snatch them on down. If everyone did this, I am certainthey will dress properly.

Noise ordinances: These are designed to allow us to enjoy a little quiet time, right?? So why object to them? because they only target loud stereos in autos. They do not affect those arrogantly loud exhaust systems they morons put on their motrcycles. Think: How many times have you heard a car pass by with a loud stereo? It comes and goes.
But, motorcycles, usually Hardly Ablesons, have such a loud exhaust that you can hear them from two miles way until two miles after they passed.
What of the noise ordinance? How about federal laws that prohibit tampering with the exhaust? NOTHING is done about that. So, again, I ask.."why have it?"

Large vehicles: Why are trucks and SUV's getting larger than ever before? Why are the owners brains getting smaller than ever before? Ever see one of those four door, four wheel drive, turbo diesels, with 33 inch swappers try parking in a crowded parking lot? It takes jigging this way, jigging that way, back up, go forward, jig here, jig there, pull up, pull back and then the ever popular "sideways" parking because it just doesn't fit. After tying up your time watching this small brained owner try parking this big wheeled monstrosity, he takes two or three parking spaces. Then looks at you like you're the idiot !!

Telemarketers: Do they intentionally try to call at dinner time? What do you do? I always tell them { ina very southern, slowly drawn voice} "my ma is out in the garden picking peas and me sister and I are taking a bath" Then, of course, they ask for my daddy. " he's in the prison house cause they caught him with the cattle". But, more often anymore, they have a computer to call and then, when I answer, I get "this is an important call, please wait for a representative". WHAT ??? Is this legal? I have been tempted to wait and when a rep gets on the line, hold the phone to my butt and let a big loud one rip loose.

There are many more, but I don't think there is enough space in the entire site to list them all.

And you gripes are.......................??
Old 07-17-2006, 04:40 AM   #2
My list would be shorter if I listed things that do not irk me.

I'll have to get back to make my list when I have more time.
Old 07-17-2006, 08:51 AM   #3
FYI, there are laws specifically about "tampering with the exhaust", (though most of those loud pipes are not "tampered with", they are purchased as they are and pass emissions testing just fine and dandy) whether on a Harley Davidson or a foreign made bike, but the reason many bikers prefer to have the loud pipes has NOTHING to do with arrogance, it is so that the morons in the giant SUV's can hear them, because they certainly can't see them. And the imbeciles on their cell phones while driving. Or the idiots changing CD's and not watching the road. Bikes can be very hard to see on the road, even when you're paying attention. I've almost been schmucked a couple of times, and would have been if it wasn't for popping the throttle and letting them know, "Hey you , I'm right here!" If not wanting to get run over by one of those giant SUV's makes me an arrogant moron, so be it I guess.......at least I'm a live one.

There's my gripe for the day.
Old 07-17-2006, 02:52 PM   #4
I've been in the motorcyle business for many years and have heard all the arguments about "loud pipes save lives". While there is some degree of truth to that, there is absolutely no need for pipes that can be heard for miles.
Also what about the noise scaring people?

The tampering law includes replacing pipes with pipes that exceed the federally mandated 86db.

If someone had some decency about them, they can always replace the pipes with some that are not so loud. Vance and Hines, for example, have pipes that are not arrogantly loud, yet have a tone that can be heard well. Most folks want the loudest pipes available. That is not needed. I would love to have a set of pipes that were like that and live next to someone with the same. i would get up every morning at 3:30am and rev the engine for an hour while my neighbor tried to sleep. maybe they would get the message.

Also, I am trying to carry conversation with someone at a diner. Having a nice, quiet romantic dinner with her and then some moron comes by on the street, blap,flap, blap, flab, BLAP, FLAP, BLP, FLAP, BLAB, FLAP,BLAP, FLAP, BLAP,FLAPand so on.

yep we were enjoying the meal.

I have nothing against mods on a bike, but why so loud? They can even be heard in a movie theater.

And why is it that Hardly Ablesons are the worst?? Is it like a mating call?? "here I am.... follow the noise".

Not meant to tick you off, just asking and illustrating my point. I refuse work on these loud machines, Hardlys or not, if they are too loud. I have consideration for what hearing abilities I have left and will not ruin my employees' ears for a dollar.

Some folks get pissed about it. Now they have to travel out of town. Its their choice. Loud pipes may save lives, but they also irrepairably ruin the hearing of those who work on them and disrupt people sleep ing or enjoying an evening at home. Think of all those little children you are deafening and the older folks you are scaring.

Iknow of one incident where loud pipes killed the owner. They scared a woman and when she turned to find the source of the noise, she sideswiped the motorcycle with the pipes. Something to think about

Again, I don't want to, nor is it my intention to, offend here. Just that there are alot of things to consider.

My bike is far from stock, but I can ride on the street safely and without offending anyone else. At the drag strip, where it is appropriate, I swap out exhaust systems for the power, but only at the strip.
Old 07-17-2006, 03:31 PM   #5
Certainly the teenagers thing, that bugs me. The MC thing and the big vehicles don't so much.

I don't know where you live, but here the stereos are at least as bothersome as MC's (more for me personally). The MC are usually going so fast that they just wizz on by, most times I don't even notice, the stereo systems now have so much bass that your house is shaking, even though they are still so far away that you can't hear the actual music, then they get closer you can hear the music, then finally, eventually, as they always seem to be cruising real slow, they start to get far enough away that you can't hear the music, then finally the house stops shaking.

The big vehicles? Who decides what's to big? Should it be like those movies of the future where everybody has the exact same vehicle? I personally don't have an SUV, but to each their own. Back in the day when I was a "cool" kid, and had the nice ride, I took up a couple spaces, but I always parked way out in the part of the lot where there was nobody else. If the lot was full I parked normally. So unless they are parking right in front of the store (which many do) it's no big deal. I use to squeeze myself into the next space when a car used more than one space, depending on the way they took the extra space(s), I would be to close for them to get in the drivers side, or to back up, or move forward. I don't do that anymore, because now your car will get keyed, or worse. Back when I was growing up, there was respect for the car, you never touched a persons car.
Old 07-17-2006, 04:33 PM   #6

Kids running wild in stores while the parents pay no mind
Petty bureaucrats
People who drive by on the shoulder during heavy traffic while I'm patiently waiting in my lane
People who let their dogs poop in my yard
Coming home from the hardware store to find that I need to go buy one more small item to complete my project
People who get a chance through welfare to succeed in life and then do not follow up and try to improve their own situation
Excessive tax
Loud and unreasonable people
Fire ants

Originally Posted by ZX11
I have nothing against mods on a bike
I can see them now on their Harleys with black leather jackets
Old 07-17-2006, 05:27 PM   #7
Originally Posted by lucille
I can see them now on their Harleys with black leather jackets
It's too hot for the jacket right now. lol
Old 07-17-2006, 05:59 PM   #8
Very good ones, Lucille. I agree totally.

I am in Washington state right now, living off a highway about 1/2 mile or so, straight shot. I don't hear stereos anymore since moving here, but those bikes are heard very well.

In Brunswick, I lived in a quiet neighborhood and kids with booming stereos got to me.

I think I went from bad to worse, LOL.

I also agree its too hot for jackets right now, but I still wear my full leathers. Its too hot above ground to wear them, but too cold under ground not to.

A few days ago, I went to Walmart for a few things. In front of me was a really huge, exceedingly long truck. He tried to park as close to the front as possible and I had a Nissan truck behind me. He had others behind him. This large Ford truck nearly backed into me several times trying to park four spaces from the store front. My horn finally got his attention. I could not back up as cars behind me had me blocked. The truck also had the opposing lane blocked off, backing up traffic there. Finally, the guy gets it somewhat parked and comes to my door. He is cussing and raising hell at me for not backing up, giving him space.

It was brand new, all shiny and stuff, with every option available and tons of aftermarket stuff, even rear window louvers that he admitted he could see through. So I should have given him room.

I told him that this is what happens when people buy vehicles larger than their capacity to drive them.

As it turned out, his frustration got the best of him and he wanted to fight in the parking lot !! All because he cannot operate that thing??? He could see I was blocked in place, but he vented on me. WTF?? I just smiled and walked away and he even followed me throughout the store mumbling all the time about showing me his capacities.

He needs some time out and some happy class {anger management}. AND a smaller truck.
Old 07-17-2006, 07:50 PM   #9
And why is it that Hardly Ablesons are the worst?? Is it like a mating call?? "here I am.... follow the noise".

Not meant to tick you off, just asking and illustrating my point. I refuse work on these loud machines, Hardlys or not, if they are too loud. I have consideration for what hearing abilities I have left and will not ruin my employees' ears for a dollar.
Gosh, if you aren't trying to tick me off, is it really necessary to keep referring to a Harley Davisdon as you do? I could have used more than a fair share of terms for your foreign made bike, but I chose not to. Trying to be polite......because impolite people are another big gripe of mine. I'm glad you have nothing against "mods" on a bike....I guess I'm not a mod though. Hmph.

That said, I agree that there are some bikes out there that are unnecessarily loud. Happen to have Vance and Hines "Big shots" on ours, and they are plenty loud......and some people still whine about them being too loud. There's a LOT more trouble from those "thumping" stereos in cars than pipes around here, for sure.

And yeah.....it's WAY too hot for the leathers now. LOL.
Old 07-17-2006, 09:05 PM   #10
I get your point Cathy. No more picking on Harleys. But, I have heard them all in reference to Asian bikes. Rice rocket, rice burner, rice eater, rice boy, metric meyham, etc. Never bothers me.

But, the reason I speak more about Harleys is because every Harley owner tosses the pipes first in favor of the loud junk. The V&H system you have is definately very loud, but only when you get on the pipe, otherwise, it is a tolerable level at cruising speeds. Systems like Mac are way beyond reasonable.

By the way, by "mods", I meant modifications. Exhaust system components, included. What were you thinking??? LOL

BTW, I have nothing against Harleys, or their owners. We all ride, right? As long as our knees are in the breeze, its all good. ride safe

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