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Preparedness & Self-Reliance Forum Survivalism, Livestock, Preparedness, Self Reliant Homesteading, Individual Liberty

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Old 02-05-2014, 05:57 PM   #1

Old 02-18-2014, 06:17 AM   #2
It seems to lack a non-electronic way to open it.
Old 02-18-2014, 11:38 AM   #3
that's cool as hell, and it doesn't have to be only used for guns hell I can think of many things I could use it for
Old 02-18-2014, 11:50 AM   #4
Not my cup of tea, at all. If you think you may need a gun for self defense, then it has to be available INSTANTLY when you need to use it. Precious seconds would be lost fumbling around with something like this while you hear what sounds like a prowler outside your bedroom door. That thing could get you killed.
Old 02-18-2014, 12:38 PM   #5
- If I were to use it, I would open it when I went to bed, and close it when I got up in the morning.

- If the first indication you have of a home invasion is hearing the perp outside your bedroom door, you don't have enough layers of defenses around your home.
Old 02-18-2014, 02:24 PM   #6
Originally Posted by bcr229 View Post
- If the first indication you have of a home invasion is hearing the perp outside your bedroom door, you don't have enough layers of defenses around your home.
Which will probably be the case with 99 percent of the population on Earth.
Old 02-20-2014, 02:17 PM   #7
Yeah...I don't have kids, so I have a hell of a lot more leeway. Personally, I think if you have kids and you don't have your weapon locked when you're not in the room, you're negligent. I do keep pretty much all but two guns secured at any given time - an unloaded shotgun by the door out back (sorry opossums), and whatever weapon I'm concealing that day will end up by my bed at night.

Here's the thing though...half the time when I wake up, I don't even know which bedroom wall I'm facing. If someone every busted in the front door of my home (which happens in my area all the time)...I'm totally screwed. The conditions would really have to be right for me to respond timely, and in a safe manner.

So my first and best line of defense by far has been this ->
Ask my drunk neighbor. He tried to come into my home by drunk accident and the dog attacked him. (Not barked at aggressively...chewed on his neck like a rabid squirrel on a corn cob). The screen door got ripped on the hinges, he needed stitches, he peed himself. It was dramatic. Where was I? Stopped in the middle of the steps trying to figure out what was going on! I respond much better if I'm defending or protecting someone else.

And then of course there are the people that don't react to the gun. Dog woke me up at 2am once. I went to the front of the house and there is a guy with a slim jim in my car trying to break in. I open the door, point the .45 at him and order him away from my car. Dude just scoffed at me. I stepped out and the dog slipped out....and I've never seen a guy run so fast, yelling "oh shit oh shit oh shit" as he tried to escape my dog. I called her back pretty quick, because it was 2am and I didn't want to clean blood off her if she bit this dude. Next morning I notice he dropped his wallet on my driveway. So when I got home from work I called the cops to report it. A cop and a detective show up within in minutes. I describe the guy and they just kinda stare at me as I hand them the wallet, asking them if I needed to do anything else. Then they drop their little bombshell. "Ma'am, one of your neighbors down the street was murdered last night around 2:00 am. The suspect stole a car to get away...and you just described him - exactly. He had two guns on him at the time." Fun times on the West Side.
Old 02-20-2014, 04:10 PM   #8
Originally Posted by deedeeiam View Post
Yeah...I don't have kids, so I have a hell of a lot more leeway. Personally, I think if you have kids and you don't have your weapon locked when you're not in the room, you're negligent. I do keep pretty much all but two guns secured at any given time - an unloaded shotgun by the door out back (sorry opossums), and whatever weapon I'm concealing that day will end up by my bed at night.

Here's the thing though...half the time when I wake up, I don't even know which bedroom wall I'm facing. If someone every busted in the front door of my home (which happens in my area all the time)...I'm totally screwed. The conditions would really have to be right for me to respond timely, and in a safe manner.

So my first and best line of defense by far has been this ->
Ask my drunk neighbor. He tried to come into my home by drunk accident and the dog attacked him. (Not barked at aggressively...chewed on his neck like a rabid squirrel on a corn cob). The screen door got ripped on the hinges, he needed stitches, he peed himself. It was dramatic. Where was I? Stopped in the middle of the steps trying to figure out what was going on! I respond much better if I'm defending or protecting someone else.

And then of course there are the people that don't react to the gun. Dog woke me up at 2am once. I went to the front of the house and there is a guy with a slim jim in my car trying to break in. I open the door, point the .45 at him and order him away from my car. Dude just scoffed at me. I stepped out and the dog slipped out....and I've never seen a guy run so fast, yelling "oh shit oh shit oh shit" as he tried to escape my dog. I called her back pretty quick, because it was 2am and I didn't want to clean blood off her if she bit this dude. Next morning I notice he dropped his wallet on my driveway. So when I got home from work I called the cops to report it. A cop and a detective show up within in minutes. I describe the guy and they just kinda stare at me as I hand them the wallet, asking them if I needed to do anything else. Then they drop their little bombshell. "Ma'am, one of your neighbors down the street was murdered last night around 2:00 am. The suspect stole a car to get away...and you just described him - exactly. He had two guns on him at the time." Fun times on the West Side.
It sounds to me that his primary goal was to steal a vehicle and your neighbor just wasn't as lucky as you when he showed up at the scene.

Does it bother you to think that had you shot that dude or your dog would have torn him a new one, it would have saved someone else's life? Yeah, hindsight, I know, but it's scary to think about how events can change based on what at the time seem like minor decisions or happenstance.

As for the children issue, we don't have kids, neither, so this isn't an issue with me. When I was a kid my dad handled this pretty effectively for me. After taking me shooting, when we got back to the house, he turned on the burner for the electric stove till the coils were red hot. He then grabbed my hand and held it a couple inches above those coils and told me that if I EVER touched a gun in the house without him being there, he would leave scars to remind me to never do that again. Maybe he was just bluffing, but I certainly didn't want to find out.
Old 02-20-2014, 08:30 PM   #9
He had already killed the neighbor and was working his way across the hill - away from the direction of the approaching sirens. So the dog actually pushed him back down that way. They caught him relatively fast.

I don't think I would have regretted my actions even had he had killed the guy after my encounter. It wasn't life-threatening for me, so I wouldn't have shot him anyways. My dog's also not trained to bite or anything, so who knows how that would have turned out. She would have maybe grabbed an ankle been like..."now what do I do with it"...and ended up getting shot.

The creepiest thing was the fact he walked on my porch and unscrewed my automatic light so he could work on my truck in the dark.
Old 02-20-2014, 08:47 PM   #10
Bronx Boa
Where do you live?
That's the other reason why I loved out of the bronx. The main reason...I couldn't keep firearms!

The BronX BoA

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