Help with my ball python! - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 03-27-2018, 12:45 AM   #1
Unhappy Help with my ball python!

So I recently decided that I wanted to get a ball python, I bought it from a store that had tons of them! we bought it, came home, set up everything that the store told us to get and everything was handy dandy...what I didn't know is that the popping sounds from a python wasn't normal. I called the next day and they said it may be a minor infection that will go away if I crank up the heat. So I did. a week later the snake got WORSE! It was horrible!!!! they said I could exchange it and all was good. What I didn't know was right when I got home was that the new snake they exchanged it for had the same issues.... theres all this popping and bubbles! I'm so pissed! even after that the snake is SO aggressive ! my first experience with a ball python and its been horrible! can someone help me in what to do!? I'm so lost but my love for snakes is still there! please help!
Old 03-27-2018, 09:42 AM   #2
Herpin Man
Sounds like a nasty respiratory infection. You need a qualified reptile vet ASAP.
You can search for somebody in your area here:
Meanwhile, keep the snake warm and humid.
Old 03-27-2018, 10:23 AM   #3
Originally Posted by Herpin Man View Post
Sounds like a nasty respiratory infection. You need a qualified reptile vet ASAP.
You can search for somebody in your area here:
Meanwhile, keep the snake warm and humid.

Unfortunately without vet care the snake is not likely to recover. You could try returning the snake for a refund also, but I wouldn't trust the store to exchange it for a healthy one.

Also if this store is like most pet stores they probably sold you equipment based on what was best for their bottom line versus what was best for your snake. Here are some links you can read to get good info on ball python husbandry:

Care Sheets:!

Husbandry Topics:
Old 03-28-2018, 12:05 AM   #4
Personally, I'd be demanding my money back*, NOT an exchange. I wouldn't trust them either. Snakes make wonderful pets, & with good care, generally stay healthy. But starting off with a sick one (twice!) isn't acceptable, even if you were an experienced keeper: the extra expense + there's no guarantee it will recover.

Don't give up on snakes, but find a reputable source. But before you do, thoroughly disinfect the cage & anything that your sick snakes came in contact with or close proximity to. I'd probably wait a few weeks too, before bringing another one home, & that would give you time to research who to buy from. Pet stores are "convenient" but their animals are typically exposed to many contagious issues, which because of stress & less than optimal conditions, they're even more likely to come down with.

*When you return the snake, try to do it when there's plenty of other customers in the store...that way, they'll be eager to make you happy (give refund & apology) rather than give you a hard time about it, because other customers will be over-hearing your experience. I wouldn't buy any other reptiles there.
Old 03-28-2018, 12:38 AM   #5
When choosing a new snake, you need to pay close attention, don't let them rush you: watch the snake move, look for odd movements or caved in areas (can be broken ribs);
Look closely at the eyes (any stuck eye-caps or other damage? look for tiny mites also, sometimes around the eyes or under the chin, in the water bowl too); let the snake gently & loosely crawl thru your hands, & with very light restraint, hold the snakes face near your ear & listen to it's breathing; ask them to open the snakes mouth gently & look for signs of infection or bubbling/mucus; look at the snake's tail- the vent area should not have 'residue'. Pay close attention to the snake's tongue-flicking too: I once got a snake -a ball python- shipped to me whose tongue-tips were stuck together, & he also had a small swelling (the same infection) in his upper throat. The tongue tips should be separate, & flicked at normal speed. (<if you're new to snakes, that might not be so obvious). Overall, the snake should have good strong muscle tone when held, and be able to easily right himself if place on his back (gently in his cage). He should not be listless. Look for head wobbles** or anything else that doesn't seem right. (**this is something you see in some B.P.s, but personally not acceptable to me)

And by the way, you said the store "had tons of them": another reason to run elsewhere, IMO. It's just asking for trouble. (it's similar to the way that colds, flu, measles & head lice circulate thru a kindergarten class, & again, remember that stress, whether in humans or animals, reduces the immune system's ability to function.)

I "second" the advice from bcr229 also: do your own research first & set up the cage ahead of bringing home a snake, to make sure you have the right temperatures & humidity, etc. Most pet stores are there to make sales, very few sell all the right equipment, and fewer still give reliable care information. Better luck next time, "practice makes perfect".

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