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Old 10-26-2012, 04:50 PM   #11
Just because he bought a round of drinks doesn't make him a good person. Just because he came to your post to support the troops doesn't make him a good person. To him it is all about publicity. If you took the time to read his comments to the Herpers who commented on his "stunt" you might react differently. And while I am here, Thank you JV for your committment to our Country. I respect and appreciate you for your Sevice.
Old 10-26-2012, 04:56 PM   #12
The problem lies not so much that he brazenly fabricated this story, or actually did it. The problem lies in that it sends a terrible message to young impressionable kids who may see there is nothing wrong in his actions, and may mimic it. Jokingly or not the the BS fans were all over this saying they are now running over turtles and keeping score. How many of them went out after a few beers and then actually did it. I dare you to say none. If even one person was influenced to do it, it was too many.
Old 10-28-2012, 03:39 PM   #13
Well i think coming down here and supporting us makes him better then alot of other famous people that wouldnt be caught talking to us let alone hanging out with "normal" people. Ive seen alot of singers and actors since being in the army and 90% will not even talk to you unless your giving them something in return. I asked around to alot of people that know blake and none of them even heard of him doing this and could care less what comment he makes and go out and follow what he did. And he didnt even run it over he wasnt even in the state that he made the remark about it was just a joke get over it and grow up. Everyone is mad cuz hes famous and famous people are not aloowed to make any jokes regardless of it. there are hundreds of people that actually run over animals on purpose esp here in louisiana i just saw a goose on the side of the road. so let him continue making GREAT COUNTRY music and find something worth while to complain about
Old 10-28-2012, 04:11 PM   #14
First off, I got over this two months ago when the post was first made. Second, maybe you should do some research. Third, if your are not old enough to see the harm caused by his actions (wether he actually did it or not) then I feel sorry for you. You may like the Justin Beber of country music, but I don't. I have no respect for him. Done.
Old 10-28-2012, 04:35 PM   #15
Originally Posted by cajunreptiles View Post
it was just a joke get over it and grow up.
If you find yourself in the right group of people, you will hear horrible jokes about women. You'll hear jokes about black people, and Hispanics. I think some of those jokes are deliberately hurtful, and not funny at all.

I think this is the same kind of joke, kidding around about killing an animal. I don't find it amusing, and just like I steer clear of those who tell those other kinds of jokes, I'd steer clear of anyone who thought this joke was funny.

Blake Sheldon is an idiot. Anyone wants to get cozy with him, all I got to say, is if you lie down with dogs, you rise up with fleas.
Old 10-28-2012, 04:53 PM   #16
Originally Posted by stevek123 View Post
First off, I got over this two months ago when the post was first made. Second, maybe you should do some research. Third, if your are not old enough to see the harm caused by his actions (wether he actually did it or not) then I feel sorry for you. You may like the Justin Beber of country music, but I don't. I have no respect for him. Done.

And can someone please explain to me why some folks think that just because they were in the military, their word is the be all end all of the discussion? Yeah, I got a ton of respect for those with guts enough to sign up, but good grief folks, it doesn't equal instant street cred in the herp world and isn't cause for the rest of us to shut up and sit in awe of your awesomeness. There are a ton of good vets here, all of them earned the respect they have.

~ Signed, a vet who never met anyone famous with military status and frankly don't give two squats about meeting famous folks.

Grow up indeed.

The "singer" has a serious attitude problem, and that's the issue most of us had with him.

I'm sure there are a lot of music folks out there who genuinely do care about our troops, but then there's quite a big group of them I'd wager are doing it just because it's PC, en vouge, or just because it gets them some bigger ticket sales numbers. Gee, don't see any of them ushering their kids down to the recruiter's office to sign up to be shipped to the litterbox ...
Old 10-29-2012, 11:22 PM   #17

Originally Posted by stevek123 View Post
First off, I got over this two months ago when the post was first made. Second, maybe you should do some research. Third, if your are not old enough to see the harm caused by his actions (wether he actually did it or not) then I feel sorry for you. You may like the Justin Beber of country music, but I don't. I have no respect for him. Done.

I giggled when i read this.. First, I may not be as ripe as you, but i'm 26 years old and can tell you, no kid is going to go out and start a turtle massacre over a joke by Blake Shelton.. LOL. Second, to compare Justin Beieber and Blake Shelton side by side shows you probably listen to oldies... And have no clue about modern music. There is absolutely no way to compare those two (two completely different generations.) And third, to say you don't respect someone YOU DON'T KNOW is ridiculous, I have met this man, and he is one of the most down to earth "famous" people i have ever met. It was a joke!!! move on.
Old 10-30-2012, 12:55 AM   #18
Originally Posted by cajunreptiles View Post
I giggled when i read this.. First, I may not be as ripe as you, but i'm 26 years old and can tell you, no kid is going to go out and start a turtle massacre over a joke by Blake Shelton.. LOL. Second, to compare Justin Beieber and Blake Shelton side by side shows you probably listen to oldies... And have no clue about modern music. .
I resent anyone who assumes they know anything about me when they haven't a clue. You certainly ARE showing your age young Cajun. "Giggled" got to be kidding me.

If it were me and BS was "my hero" like he seems to be yours, I'd come up with some substance to the conversation that would defend his position and yours instead of critiquing me, as if that's the solution. If you think for a moment the publicity stunt pulled by BS was harmless, and there were no negative affects, then how do you explain the many people he offended. He publicly insulted qualified, degree holding Herpetologist. He publicly told concerned reptile owners to get a life, go out to a bar and get laid. Real mature huh? This is not the way for any adult to act, in public or private, celebrity or no celebrity. Blake Shelton defended himself, just like a child would. I would be humiliated to be in the same State with him, never mind have a beer with him like you did.
Old 10-30-2012, 03:07 AM   #19
I thought this was a reptile forum not a PETA protest...

Originally Posted by Lucille View Post
If you find yourself in the right group of people, you will hear horrible jokes about women. You'll hear jokes about black people, and Hispanics. I think some of those jokes are deliberately hurtful, and not funny at all.

I think this is the same kind of joke, kidding around about killing an animal. I don't find it amusing, and just like I steer clear of those who tell those other kinds of jokes, I'd steer clear of anyone who thought this joke was funny.

Blake Sheldon is an idiot. Anyone wants to get cozy with him, all I got to say, is if you lie down with dogs, you rise up with fleas.
Old 10-30-2012, 03:21 AM   #20
Blake Shelton is NOT my hero.. Trust me..Don't get offended when i reply to your posts, you replied to mine, right? I have hit my share of turtles and rabbits in the road.. does this mean i hate animals? or i was aiming for it.. NO. If i were him, i would've told the "degree holding herpetologist" to take a chill pill, go out to the bar, and get laid. lol really.. all this over one turtle... i LOVE animals.. but was this something to get your panties in a bundle over? (that is alllllll i was trying to say) I don't get why i'm wrong and your right because we have differ views? open your mind.. there ARE other ways to thinking other than your own. And i should feel humiliated? why? because this man came to our post, did a FREE concert.. he WASN'T on tv.. he WASN'T paid.. this doesn't sound like an evil man to me.. TRUST ME.. if it had been a publicity stunt as you say it was, im sure someone a little better would've come instead of shelton. And i'm sure he wasnt expecting the reaction he got, over a turtle lol.. Brittney Spears shaving her head... THAT WAS A PUBLICITY STUNT.. not this..
And yes.. I GIGGLED.. as i found what you said to be amusing.. would it of sounded any better saying "i laughed at what you said"? no.. so i used giggled. (Stop being the herp grammer police)

Originally Posted by stevek123 View Post
I resent anyone who assumes they know anything about me when they haven't a clue. You certainly ARE showing your age young Cajun. "Giggled" got to be kidding me.

If it were me and BS was "my hero" like he seems to be yours, I'd come up with some substance to the conversation that would defend his position and yours instead of critiquing me, as if that's the solution. If you think for a moment the publicity stunt pulled by BS was harmless, and there were no negative affects, then how do you explain the many people he offended. He publicly insulted qualified, degree holding Herpetologist. He publicly told concerned reptile owners to get a life, go out to a bar and get laid. Real mature huh? This is not the way for any adult to act, in public or private, celebrity or no celebrity. Blake Shelton defended himself, just like a child would. I would be humiliated to be in the same State with him, never mind have a beer with him like you did.

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