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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 05-15-2005, 01:42 PM   #481
critical bill
Originally Posted by lucille
Chuck, I am asking that you de escalate this thread, with me. I am a sharer of info and a helper of people, as a nurse it is built in, I guess.
I think I have. Its over as far as I'm concerned.
Old 05-15-2005, 02:05 PM   #482
For those of you who stood up for me, thank you very much, however it is not necessary. I didn't respond to Chuck as I have no use for narrowminded intollerant people who can't see past their nose. If he doesn't approve or refuses to understand my position that is fine, he doesn't have to do business with me.

If you would like to continue a dialog in private, I would be more than happy to explain indepth. I do think that both You and my Husband took things very personally and BOTH have done/said things to inflame the other.

Well, I am sorry. I guess I just didn't understand. I didn't realize that people came to your shop and contacted you in other manners to inquire about subjects that are common fare on the BOI. And they are willing to pay you for that as well, huh? Well, sorry about my misunderstanding. I guess that explains it. I knew it couldnt' be the money, and here I was thinking it was some obscure principle thing.
Actually, they do. They come and ask because they know we are also hobbyist and we do business with other breeders/dealers and we do recommend other companies for items/reptiles we don't always carry. Mind you, these people are good customers who shop with us regularly, so yes, in a sense we get paid for that as well.

Um, perhaps you were on a different Board of Inquiry. I had problems right off of the bat in the year 2000 when I first started up the BOI with anonymous postings, cat fights, and all the other garbage. This was before you were ever even here and the crap was flowing freely. Trust me when I tell you you have absolutely NO idea the work I had to do behind the scenes cleaning up one mess after another.
Yes, I am aware that it has had it's problems and I am aware that taking care of it is a pain in the ass. Why do you think we supported you? If it was easy we would have looked at you and said "what are you whining about?" It still has it's problems and I would assume it always will. But by the nature of the BOI, it always became obvious who was who and what was what.

I guess the question remains..... What would you rather seen Rich do? Continue to rely on advertisers fees and funds from HIS pocket to keep the place going?
I believe both my Husband and I made it very clear to begin with that our intent was not to rob Rich of any monitary reward or gain from this site and expressed alternatives. Perhaps you should go read the initial threads on this subject.

I doubt you will get any appology from my Husband, He takes tenacity to an extreeeeeeeme (<--spelled with emphasis for those who have difficulty with their communication skills) and stuborness to a fine art. It is obvious that the two of you rub each other the wrong way and it would probably be best if neither of you made posts reguarding each other either directly or indirectly. Not everyone gets along.

As for my business practices, as I said, I am a very busy woman and prioritize my time. Yes, I do answer questions for people who are not customers or who have not purchased from us...when I have time. Do I resent it? At times yes. I can't imagine anyone would go get their hair cut someplace cheap, the stylist does a crappy job, then go to an elite salon and expect them to fix it for free. Lawyers don't give out advice for free and neither do most doctors.
Old 05-15-2005, 02:19 PM   #483
Quote:"Lawyers don't give out advice for free and neither do most doctors."

Wendy, that is a very, very foolish comparison. Both commonly give out free information.

You are in a segment of the working class that does not need the same sort of hierarchy as do doctors and legal professionals...trying to say that they are somehow equal makes you look silly.

So, you work/own a petstore...big deal. The end goal of being in such a limited profit business is supposed to be about the animals, not about your personal enrichment, in my humble opinion.

I do not take to anyone calling you a whore, for any reason whatsoever...but I really disagree with you strongly on this issue.

Old 05-15-2005, 02:26 PM   #484
chucky, you're not a prick as that word implies that there is the remotest of possibilities that you had some chance of being hard, which you seem to be attempting. Alas, as with most who prematurely ejaculate, which it seems you are prone to judging by your lack of forethought, but I would MOST definately rate you as a FIRST CLASS ASSHOLE.

And a second rate, as you obviouly NEVER come in first twice in a row, DUMBASS.
Old 05-15-2005, 02:30 PM   #485
Originally Posted by cthulhu77
So, you work/own a petstore...big deal. The end goal of being in such a limited profit business is supposed to be about the animals, not about your personal enrichment, in my humble opinion.

I do not take to anyone calling you a whore, for any reason whatsoever...but I really disagree with you strongly on this issue.

Greg, when I had my store I cared quite a bit about the animals. Didn't even carry iguanas or water dragons. BUT, I was in business to MAKE MONEY.

Perhaps YOU are wrong about the Wedekings. Best to ponder that YOUR opinion may be wrong. They MOST definately care, but they are a BUSINESS. To survive, it must turn a profit.
Old 05-15-2005, 02:40 PM   #486
Originally Posted by cthulhu77
Quote:"Lawyers don't give out advice for free and neither do most doctors."

Wendy, that is a very, very foolish comparison. Both commonly give out free information.

You are in a segment of the working class that does not need the same sort of hierarchy as do doctors and legal professionals...trying to say that they are somehow equal makes you look silly.

So, you work/own a petstore...big deal. The end goal of being in such a limited profit business is supposed to be about the animals, not about your personal enrichment, in my humble opinion.

I do not take to anyone calling you a whore, for any reason whatsoever...but I really disagree with you strongly on this issue.

Well, since you seem to know so much, what is my educational background and how do I take care of and feel about my animals?

Do not demean what you do not know. I haven't talked about my animals in this thread or my degree, nor the extent of the self taught knowledge I have as the subject didn't warrent it.

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