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General BS forum I guess anything is fair game in here. Just watch the subject matter doesn't get carried away too much.

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Old 01-30-2007, 10:07 AM   #31
To prove wes to be a liar
Umm, Brian, what exactly are you accusing Wes of lying about?
Old 01-30-2007, 11:17 AM   #32
Originally Posted by KelliH
Umm, Brian, what exactly are you accusing Wes of lying about?
I'm sort of curious about that myself.

He's done this before. He makes a statement about how I lie, then goes off on tangents but never really says what it is I lied about.

YOU fester, lied when you changed MY words to suit your needs. YOU fester, lied when you deleted MY threads because you didn't like the content, which was universally decided to be acceptable in the forum in which it was posted.

You have lied previously just by saying I've lied when I haven't. Then there's the big house. Any lies there? Any lies about paying "off the books and in cash" so there's no record of it? Any lies about your ability to use computers on a level that will allow you to change things and have no one know about it?

Then there's the big one. You SAY you like, or was it love, I don't recall exactly at the moment, trannies. Then you say you didn't really mean it. Hmmmmm. Sounds pretty much like you got busted during your "screw anything with big boobs phase," one for which you are WELL known, and is most likely ongoing, then when you found out she was a he you got all embarrassed.

Whose fault it that? You're the one who touts himself as a womanizer, a user of the fairer sex. So you got fooled. You expect sympathy? From me?

You're a lying scumbag fester, you have been for a long time and I expect you always will be.

You don't like me because I pick on you for your stands, because I am NOT like you and you think you are some sort of gift, you hit on anything that moves whereas I take a pass, you have a reputation for being an ass, you have a reputation for liking men's asses and, the big one, I'm honest and you don't like that either.

I think you think I'm a better man than you and that that is what drives you to attempt to smear my name. It's just to make you feel better about feeling inferior to me; which is foolhardy at least and bloody stupid at best.
Old 01-30-2007, 11:34 AM   #33
Chameleon Company
Wes the joke !

Trying to not bust a gut at Wes's above post

In all seriousness:
Griz writes:
So Brian and Wes, do you two want to build or destroy? If it's the latter then take it elsewhere. I sincerely believe that you Wes, from what I have come to know of you over the years, can step up into the position of architect and bring about a forum that accomplishes that in which Rich intended it to be.
Wes has a well documented long-term history in the BOI of making personal attacks against those he disagrees with. He's been banned for it, allowed back in, and now is accumulating warning points faster than any other member once again.

Wes gets dinged by Dand, a deserved ding as others did likewise, yet Dand ads the braggadocio. A valid issue of debate and criticism, which it receives. Yet Wes decides to talk about Dands past marital issues, frequently asking how Dand's wife is.

In a thread where Wes is posting the petty antagonistic barbs at Dand's personal life, Brian decides to fire a salvo back, as despite the plethora of warnings, Wes hadn't gotten the hint to shut-up, and was still parading as the fool. Rather than respond in kind there, Wes decides that a BOI thread calling Brian a liar is appropriate. A boatload of additional warning points to Wes, and the thread being moved to the BS froum where it belongs, and we want to equate all as being the legitimate expectations of feuds, or tit for tats, or that all are on the same level.

I missed the part where David was antagonizing Wes about his last marital breakup !! I missed the part where Brian was starting BOI threads about Wes being a liar !! Brian replies in a thread with the title that he is a liar, claiming that Wes has also lied in his opinion, and its stooping to Wes's level ? Wes's difficulties with the truth are already documented. Wes started a BOI thread calling someone a liar in the header out of vengeance. What Wes has shown time and time again is that once confronted at his level, he cannot joust there, but has to take it to a new lower level, as he did with David and Brian. The only thing Wes is capable of being an architect of is continued childish stupidity, as once again he demonstrated above.
Old 01-30-2007, 01:14 PM   #34
Jim, the "level" to which I was referring, is not so much quantified by definition rather it's based upon a simple yes/no question. Did their posts help or hurt Fauna? Both were detrimental and therefore both were placed at the same "level". As such, your posts are starting to reach that "level" as well.

The fact remains that each person can either contribute in a positive or negative way. Wes's past is not without considerable merit. It's also not without considerable dissent. I hope that he will see this and choose the former but then again, it's his fingers at the keys.

But, it's almost worth it to me to pay Rich the extra $75 so that I can make my points known in a more formal manner. Would I have dinged Wes for a few of his comments? Yes, yes I would have. Then again, I probably would have dinged yours too.

The time has come to set aside the foolishness and bring back the days that we all enjoyed. A lot of the more respected individuals have taken a leave of absence and I understand why. I simply choose to at least attempt to be part of the solution. Do you?

Old 01-30-2007, 02:02 PM   #35
But, it's almost worth it to me to pay Rich the extra $75 so that I can make my points known in a more formal manner. Would I have dinged Wes for a few of his comments? Yes, yes I would have. Then again, I probably would have dinged yours too.

The time has come to set aside the foolishness and bring back the days that we all enjoyed. A lot of the more respected individuals have taken a leave of absence and I understand why. I simply choose to at least attempt to be part of the solution. Do you?

Dang I can't give you more good karma!
You know I can ding and ding and ding. Name calling, antagonistic against others ect, but then I would just be chasing people around all day and not have any kind of good time on this site. Dinging, IMO, is not a fun time.

Guys, just get over it, it is in the past. I know the BOI is slow on bad guy threads but can't there be something more constructive that you all can be doing right now? Why lose respect by going to levels you do not need to be going to?
Geez, enough is enough.
Old 01-30-2007, 02:04 PM   #36
The first two paragraphs were quotes from Griz, sorry.
Old 01-30-2007, 02:04 PM   #37
Griz has hit the nail on the head, for those who feel that Wes deserved the point he has gotten need to take a serious look at your own back porch so to speak. This, and I will borrow a phrase from the feedback post, community is what we make it!! Some long for the old days of 2-3 years ago some are content with how things have progressed. In staying with the community concept this community has grown, and like any town that has gone from 5000 people to 35,000 there is a sense of loss and a sense of failure to maintain the closeness. Yet whose fault is that?? For all the negative that you throw at Wes you might as well be looking at the mirror, and maybe before your fingers hit the keys again decide if your doing what it is you complain about? It takes two to fight I keep telling my kids, so if you don't want to step up and take some of Wes shots best not be firing your own at him.

Wes, as I have said, is a little rough around the edges at times. Yet there is not a single soul on this forum or others that I would trust more. He will tell you the spade is a spade and if it turns out to be a club thats been hit with a marker he will tell you that he was wrong. Now if you choose to persist in the manner of Wes and rip him, then you should also be willing to take the points for doing so. Wes doesn't complain about the points, he just complains of who is handing them out and are they doing so across the board? I would be willing to bet half of you that complain about him, wouldn't handle it in the same manner.

Brian I don't know, other than the persona he has portrayed. At times he has been a royal pain to administration. Complaining about moderators and lack of fairness. Very vocal in his feelings and fairly literate in his posting. Yet the Brian I just described could very easily have the name changed to protect the innocent, or insert Wes, Michael, Jim F, Seamus or any number of members both current and past.

I know there are issues between the two. And if nothing else we finally have it in the BS were we can all wallow in knee deep cow "stuff". Ironic that its agreed that this didn't belong on the BOI yet the posts I have seen tend to look exactly like a BOI thread, review, dissect, analyze everything for the purpose of taking sides.

I agree Bob maybe it is time to pony up the money so that the view can be made crystal clear. And that isn't just you puting up the cash!
Old 01-30-2007, 02:24 PM   #38
Chameleon Company

Not a bad topic for debate:

Jim, the "level" to which I was referring, is not so much quantified by definition rather it's based upon a simple yes/no question. Did their posts help or hurt Fauna? Both were detrimental and therefore both were placed at the same "level". As such, your posts are starting to reach that "level" as well.
I differ from you in wanting to point to Brian's response as being judged primarily through the glass of "good or bad for Fauna". His first responsibility is to his own honor, which was attacked, not Fauna, IMO. The thread may be bad for Fauna, but Brian did not initiate it. Since Wes posted no specifics to back up his allegation, which Brian could then refute, Brian took the very traditional and time-tested rebuttal of saying "my accuser has no credibility" in so many words. He may not like being drawn down to this, but he did not ask for it. As always, it was Wes who escalated the foolishness.
The time has come to set aside the foolishness and bring back the days that we all enjoyed. A lot of the more respected individuals have taken a leave of absence and I understand why. I simply choose to at least attempt to be part of the solution. Do you?
Agreed. Its just a matter of how one influences that outcome. My choice has been to often rebut the "foolishness" head-on where I see it. You and others may choose other paths to the same goal of a better Fauna, how ever you see it. BTW, I am receiving Karma from "respected individuals" for the same posts which you chastise, and I believe that the Powers-That-Be have also voted with their dings, or posted approval of such dings, or lack of them regarding all. Its all in how you see things I guess. Seems my path to a "solution" does not always jive with yours, which is not new. I will not imply that that is a basis upon which I will question your goals though.

Sorry DragonDad, but have to disagree almost completely. Dand and Brian could have "turned the other cheek', which I guess would be Dand not dinging Wes for always mentioning his wife, marriage, etc. As Rich said, all was appropriate, and he is not the only super-mod to concur. Brian had no reason to turn the other cheek as well, and many of us would have responded similarly, IMO. Count me as one who would not trust Wes further than I could spit. There are many of us with similar views, with sound reasons to question his integrity. To each his own though.
Old 01-30-2007, 03:02 PM   #39
Originally Posted by Chameleon Company

In a thread where Wes is posting the petty antagonistic barbs at Dand's personal life, Brian decides to fire a salvo back,

I guess I fail to see how you can say this and then turn around and state that

Brian did not initiate this
, Brian was a non entity on fauna for two months and pretty much starts back right at Wes. No if ands or buts. I don't see were Wes attacked Brian do you?

Wes the joke
define how this comment in your post is any different that what you complain about Wes doing. You might receive Karma good or bad but that still doesn't make it within the rules. I also received Positive Karma for a poll about Lucille but seems you had major issue with that. But I guess since you got positive karma its OK to say what you want. Or do the rules not apply to you Jim??
Old 01-30-2007, 03:08 PM   #40
Perhaps, if 'community is what we make it', it is time to just dismiss as irrelevant who threw the first stone and work on having peace and friendship and a strong sense of community.

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