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Old 03-03-2007, 09:14 AM   #241
My, my.....
Old 03-03-2007, 07:11 PM   #242
Dear Richard. I have a life, and a good one. How about you. The people you call whiners are actually winners The Bank & Fraud Division in Tennessee states they are judgement proof and owe many people on bad checks. I'd spend a few hundred on fuel to get a judgment, a piece of paper saying they owe me money that the court cannot collect for me . I spent a few hundred on fuel there and back already and to return I'd then be out of pocket a total of at least $500 plus overnight lodging trying to collect $1000. There is no incubation date on rounding up, pursuing, and seeking justice for any and all the people victimized by these criminals and others of their ilk. There are many contributors of this 48 pages of so called crap. In fact the only posts that do not ring true is yours and the human waste that committed fraud, and continues to cowardly writes fraudulent checks and then runs and hides instead of facing the music like any adult with an ounce of character would. There is no need for vulgarity on this site to make a point when eloquence speaks volumes. They have found it necessary to change the spelling of their last names and Kellie is a convicted felon on probation facing years of prison should she violate the rules of probation or is convicted of another crime. You see crime is their way of life. Why are you even posting on this site if you are a disinterested party with better things to do? Only moments ago I noticed that you sent me an email in November that I had not previously read. I will now share it with others so that they may take another look at the other side of your life. Oh I promise you I'll get my money or satisfaction or both from them and unlike you I will never give up the good fight. You fight the fights that need fighting along with those you can win. Again that's winners. Not whiners..... For the 23,000 plus people who have read or posted on this thread we salute your interest and dedication to the truth! Here is Nymsis's email to me in November which tells quite a different story:

11-14-2006, 01:31 PM
Registered User

Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Nevada
Age: 42
Posts: 3
Name : Richard Erickson Knight

Trader Rating: (0)

Warning Level: 16 I'm a year too late


dear sir, I found you while searching the web trying to find a punk called Troy Wikel. A link lead me to this thread ..Trust me when I say your not the only one he scammed .. the entire family is so rotten i cant even tell you ... the date on this thread says almost a year to the day ... I can tell you the family is 5 kids <3 boys and 2 girls > i located 2 of them doing hard time ... All i wana know is if the bastard finely got caught. I know i'll never see my money again I just wana know If you were able to catch them ... if not i'll just keep hunting him down to the ends of the earth ... you can E-mail me at .

sincearly, Richard Knight

11-14-2006, 01:31 PM
Registered User

Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Nevada
Age: 42
Posts: 3
Name : Richard Erickson Knight

Trader Rating: (0)

Warning Level: 16 I'm a year too late


dear sir, I found you while searching the web trying to find a punk called Troy Wikel. A link lead me to this thread ..Trust me when I say your not the only one he scammed .. the entire family is so rotten i cant even tell you ... the date on this thread says almost a year to the day ... I can tell you the family is 5 kids <3 boys and 2 girls > i located 2 of them doing hard time ... All i wana know is if the bastard finely got caught. I know i'll never see my money again I just wana know If you were able to catch them ... if not i'll just keep hunting him down to the ends of the earth ... you can E-mail me at .

sincearly, Richard Knight
Old 03-05-2007, 09:03 AM   #243
the one that knows
gee nimisis, you sound like you kow troy personallyand if you did you would want what was rightfully yours back
Old 03-07-2007, 01:45 AM   #244
ya, i've know bootsey (aka troy wikel ) since he was eight years old and no .. no way i'de ever trust him with my wallet, now that would just be stupid.. i also served in the military with his brother and thoe i wouldnt trust him with my wallet either ... i did trust him with my life and he came thru or i wouldnt be alive today ... ya .. i was trying to find troy so i could kick some sence into his head .. but your missing the whole point .. your throwing good money after bad, living here in nevada you learn fast when to leave the table , if you dont you face a life of misery... dude, .... the wikels only understand one thing ... survival of the strongest, they have zero respect for thoes they feel are weak and the only way to prove yourself to them is to kick their ass's ... sad as that is ... now , be honest.. you stated you lost about a grand and about another 700 or so chasing down that grand and you've gotten nowhere ... your trying to be civilized with barbarians ... umm, dude... you cant be civilized with then .... they will consider you to be a pussy and are laughing at you,,, not just troy ... all of them .... I'm gona do you a favor and explain exactly what your dealing with ... troy is one of 3 brothers and 2 sisters .. all of them bad ... rodney's doing life for burglary , larry's done more time inside than out .. tina had to leave the country for 7 years for embezzlemant .. the only sane one is jewl's but its been 10 years since i spoke to her so who knows whats happened to her .... their mother is sharon wikel .. a grand master in her feild as is their father ... the boys are highly trained fighters.. dont be fooled by their innocent appearence and dont feel sorry for their parrents ... who do you think created thoe's monsters ?? unless your willing to get in the ring with them you cant win and their parrents will do nothing to help you ... your just going about it all wrong ... you want your money back.. your gona have to grab troy by the ankels and shake it out of him .... the law wont help you either .... if they could they would have already .... you have have only 2 choices , find troy and kick the shit outa him and "DEMAND" your money back .. or .. count your losses and move on with your life ... i dont know what your fighting backround is ... but if your less than a second degree back i'de sudgest you move on for your own safty and sanity ... maybe you know some biker freinds to help you .. if you do .. contact them and ask for help .. I'm too old to be climbing back in the ring to help you.... your on your own on that ..... your obsessing over this and thats a bad thing ... your just not gona stop them this way ..... lets say you do somehow get a conviction ( unlikely since troy's as slick as jimmy hoffa ) he'll just be out again like his brothers .... see how quick he was to blame kellie ( her i've never met ) he made sure he was clean in a legal sence and she's gona take the fall .... so there you have it ... a whole family of criminals ... your not just fighting troy .. your fighting his whole family .... its been that way since we were kids and sad to say it hasnt changed a bit .... I remember when troy leaving L.A. and heading your way ... ya , he tried to con me into beliving he was gona be a country singing star .. i just laughed at him ... i even tried to warn the poor sap he conned into moving him there and nobody would believe me ... oh well.. i guess that dude just had to learn for himself just like you did ... dude , you couldnt possibly have given troy any money unless you knew him for a while and he gained your trust .... i mean , if you say you gave a stranger more than 10 bucks then thats just retarted .... bro, you cant trust anybody in this world and thats the lesson to be be learned here .... part of me wants to tell you to stop being a pussy and just go kick his ass and get your money back ... but then again i dont know if your able to kick his ass... you could be in a wheel chair for all i know ... or have emphaseema like me .... either way you wouldnt last 10 seconds with him .... i know from expeirence that the law and all the laywers wont help you .. not that they wouldnt help themselves to your money but you would get nothing in return ... So its up to you man ... keep chasing a dead stick or move on with your life .... whatever you choose you'll have noone to blame but yourself
Old 03-07-2007, 02:27 AM   #245
ohhh ya .... and roark ... dude ..... posting so-called e-mails is just stupid ..... anybody can fake that .... I'm trying to help you move on with your life but its clear your gona be stupid .... if you spent half the energry on something more productive you'de be very sucessfull .... but obsess over this and you just waste your time ... c'mon dude ... be serious ... your gona come back with something you say i wrote 6 months ago ?? the more you write here the more thoes 20,000 + readers are gona say ..... dude!! ... dont be stupid and just let it go .... take that guys advice and stop stressing .. unless you like taking ulcer medication ... ya know .. i'm sitting here watching an episode of futurama and it happens to be about a con man taking over the buisness.. you should watch it cause your acting like Fry .. lmao .... dude... every one makes mistakes .. trusting troy was a mistake that "you" made .... you need to look at yourself and say .. " damn, i was an idiot ... that will never happen again " ... you cant get offended when someone calls you stupid for getting yourself mixed up with troy ... you did that all on your own ... also , dont go trying to drag anybody else down because of your mistakes ...
Old 03-07-2007, 08:48 AM   #246
the one that knows

Mayor of Smyrna 2005 wrote him a bad check for hall rental in Smyrna

Roark Ferguson –

Posted on page 37 on Fauna Classifieds
Just a brief message to let you know that I have gotten all the paperwork completed and ready to file warrants for their arrest in mid December for check fraud. I will be traveling to Nashville, TN at that time and staying a few days with Earnie Lanier. The Tennessee Check & Fraud Division & local police have been most helpful. I will have them arrested and with the cooperation of another have additional charges filed by them once they are in custody so I can enjoy the spectacle. It's a small tragedy that these people are raising children. Their closest so called friends have helped me immensely as there is no honor among thieves. TN C&F Div states we may all have a great case of fraud against them on the fraudulent advance ticket sale claim that could put them away for many years to come. I'll give everyone loads of more current info this evening so stay tuned..............

Posted on page 38 on Fauna Classifieds
The local number for the Consumer Affairs
Division of the Tennessee Commerce Department is 615-741-4737, and the
toll-free number is 1-800-342-8385

Sherry Howell

From FaunaClassifieds
Can you call 1-800-453-5145 Dept of family services and speak to Jamie ID# 5165 and tell him what you saw of the kids in TNN

Marc Peterson-Asst. State Attorney/Fla.

Kate Chamberlain--352-256-6966 Cell

Melissa Tolton— 310-322-7569

Aaron Solinger– 615-497-6439

Using T.J.’s soc-sec number as his own

Warrrants in Laverne? Murfreesboro?

Sent by Jonathan to Pepsi_nicole on myspace 10-16-06

Please check out everything Kellie and troy say VERY carefully. Thay are very proficient in covering up thier activities, to look like they are legitamate. I have checked everything I have found posted on them and checked with the law agencies involved in Florida, and California. They are lying in everything I have been able to find. Troy even told me and several other people that he has signed a deal with Broken Bow Records. I called them personally, and they didn't know him at all, and did not like him using their name to promote himself either. As for my invovlement with him, I took him at his word at first when I met him and was working with him, but after seeing the condition of his house and children first hand, including a six year old son (Jaiden) not in school, who told me that his dad (Troy) Wouldn't let him go to school. These are things I saw and was told personally by Troy. Once I saw these things and investigated further, I cut all ties with Troy and anything to do with he or Kellie. She currently has a warrant out for her arrest issued from Child Services in CA 4 days ago. I alkso contacted the songwriters that supplied the songs for Troy's so called album, and they informed me that he got their material fraudulently and has been using it without permission. Most of the songs that he has promoted as his are not even him singing, but highly paid demo singers on the original demo fro the songwriters. Don't take my word for it. Check these things out for yourself, I did, before listening to anything anyone else was saying. Everyone has to make their own decision on this one, but I encourage everyone to investigate very carefully, everything anyone says, especially Troy, and Kellie. I don't trust anyone who treats their kids the way I've seen them treat thiers with my own eyes, and the nasty state of the house and childrens living conditions. Have a good night.
Old 03-07-2007, 08:49 AM   #247
the one that knows
Originally Posted by Nymisis
ya, i've know bootsey (aka troy wikel ) since he was eight years old and no .. no way i'de ever trust him with my wallet, now that would just be stupid.. i also served in the military with his brother and thoe i wouldnt trust him with my wallet either ... i did trust him with my life and he came thru or i wouldnt be alive today ... ya .. i was trying to find troy so i could kick some sence into his head .. but your missing the whole point .. your throwing good money after bad, living here in nevada you learn fast when to leave the table , if you dont you face a life of misery... dude, .... the wikels only understand one thing ... survival of the strongest, they have zero respect for thoes they feel are weak and the only way to prove yourself to them is to kick their ass's ... sad as that is ... now , be honest.. you stated you lost about a grand and about another 700 or so chasing down that grand and you've gotten nowhere ... your trying to be civilized with barbarians ... umm, dude... you cant be civilized with then .... they will consider you to be a pussy and are laughing at you,,, not just troy ... all of them .... I'm gona do you a favor and explain exactly what your dealing with ... troy is one of 3 brothers and 2 sisters .. all of them bad ... rodney's doing life for burglary , larry's done more time inside than out .. tina had to leave the country for 7 years for embezzlemant .. the only sane one is jewl's but its been 10 years since i spoke to her so who knows whats happened to her .... their mother is sharon wikel .. a grand master in her feild as is their father ... the boys are highly trained fighters.. dont be fooled by their innocent appearence and dont feel sorry for their parrents ... who do you think created thoe's monsters ?? unless your willing to get in the ring with them you cant win and their parrents will do nothing to help you ... your just going about it all wrong ... you want your money back.. your gona have to grab troy by the ankels and shake it out of him .... the law wont help you either .... if they could they would have already .... you have have only 2 choices , find troy and kick the shit outa him and "DEMAND" your money back .. or .. count your losses and move on with your life ... i dont know what your fighting backround is ... but if your less than a second degree back i'de sudgest you move on for your own safty and sanity ... maybe you know some biker freinds to help you .. if you do .. contact them and ask for help .. I'm too old to be climbing back in the ring to help you.... your on your own on that ..... your obsessing over this and thats a bad thing ... your just not gona stop them this way ..... lets say you do somehow get a conviction ( unlikely since troy's as slick as jimmy hoffa ) he'll just be out again like his brothers .... see how quick he was to blame kellie ( her i've never met ) he made sure he was clean in a legal sence and she's gona take the fall .... so there you have it ... a whole family of criminals ... your not just fighting troy .. your fighting his whole family .... its been that way since we were kids and sad to say it hasnt changed a bit .... I remember when troy leaving L.A. and heading your way ... ya , he tried to con me into beliving he was gona be a country singing star .. i just laughed at him ... i even tried to warn the poor sap he conned into moving him there and nobody would believe me ... oh well.. i guess that dude just had to learn for himself just like you did ... dude , you couldnt possibly have given troy any money unless you knew him for a while and he gained your trust .... i mean , if you say you gave a stranger more than 10 bucks then thats just retarted .... bro, you cant trust anybody in this world and thats the lesson to be be learned here .... part of me wants to tell you to stop being a pussy and just go kick his ass and get your money back ... but then again i dont know if your able to kick his ass... you could be in a wheel chair for all i know ... or have emphaseema like me .... either way you wouldnt last 10 seconds with him .... i know from expeirence that the law and all the laywers wont help you .. not that they wouldnt help themselves to your money but you would get nothing in return ... So its up to you man ... keep chasing a dead stick or move on with your life .... whatever you choose you'll have noone to blame but yourself
Old 03-07-2007, 06:22 PM   #248
hahaha ....... ohhh .. thats just tooo funny ....... ya guys ... ohh the stories i could tell you about him .....he use to date my cousin back in the 80's ....... i cant help just laugh my ass off soo bad ..... he's got the the towns folk of several states chasing him pitck forks and torches .. OMFG!! i gona die laughing ........... shit ... i guess i lost money on that bet ..... this is gona make hollywood ... the town that caught bootsey ..... hey Roark ... sorry for giving ya shit .... but life would be too boring if i didnt push some buttons once in a while .......but wait .... thats dated for 06 .... untill you actually get him locked up .... the bets still on ...... i still feel he's gona some freeking how slip out and simply cause you more greif ... greif you can avoid simply by avoiding the wikels all together ... and lemi tell ya some more ... it doesnt just stop with the parrents .... their uncle is a crazy as a hatter as well ..... but he's mean crazy .. a real son of a bitch ...... look folks .... all joking aside ... i'm dead serious ... if someone ever introduces themselves as a wikel ... dont walk ... friggin run ..... run as fast as you can ..ROFLMFAO !!!!!!! they actually have a wikel geaniology on the web ..... you can look all thoes crazy F***ers up ....
Old 03-09-2007, 03:40 AM   #249
Keep it in one thread and on the BOI where it belongs.

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