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Old 03-16-2007, 12:28 AM   #301
Rebel Dragons
I'm glad you mentioned the UVB bulbs again, Jean. There was a little bit I wanted to say and forgot in my other posts.The reason I originally mentioned the light bulbs is because of the" they must not be able to afford them" or the" they must cut into the profits" comments. Your lack of information on this topic is comical at best.

I was standing Vicky's living room about 2 years ago when a Zoo Med Rep stopped by her house to ask them if they could test out their UVB bulbs. He then brought in 6 cases, not 6 bulbs, but 6 CASES of lightbulbs. Something like 25 bulbs in each case. 5.0, 8.0 all different kinds. So, do you now see why your attempts at cutting Dachiu down only succeeded in making yourselves look like idiots??? Some of us know better.

When I first started out I used UVB bulbs in every enclosure. Then I went several years without them. I really never noticed a huge difference. I did decide to currently start using them again but to be quite honest, the only reason I did was because a friend kept badgering me about it and I finally caved.

puppytoes72 says " that it is 99.9% proven that beardies NEED UVB."

I know I'm going out on a limb here but could you possibly provide some proof to your claim? Not something that someone has told you or someones opinion that you read somewhere. Hard core proof backed by medical and scientific data??? I remember the last time the UVB issue was a huge burning topic........ Some of y'all weren't around back then.
Old 03-16-2007, 01:35 AM   #302
Originally Posted by Saladragon
It has come to our attention that a new rumor is being circulated about us and our current activities. The intent of this post is an attempt to clear up any questions that may exist because of this rumor.

The rumor going around is something to the effect of that we are currently breeding, incubating and hatching out Adeno positive dragons. THIS RUMOR IS 100% INACCURRATE. We have not bred any of our dragons since summer of last year, and that was the breeding that produced the Aristeaus x Annie babies that are Adeno positive, to include Itty Bitty, Teenie Tiny, Sugar, Fury and Fireball. We also have no eggs in the incubator, nor do we have any other babies. The dragons listed on our website are all the dragons we have.

It is my belief that this rumor may have started due to the research we are supposed to be participating in with Dr. Jacobson at the University of Florida regarding Adenovirus, and whether the virus is passed inside the egg or if it is on the outside of the egg. I haven’t received any protocol for this research to date, other than that we have been asked to turn over our females’ eggs to Dr. Jacobson. To my knowledge, there are no plans to incubate those eggs. Further, after shipping the eggs to Dr. Jacobson, I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t be viable for incubation anyway. I really can’t go into more detail about the study, because that’s all the details I know...not that it’s really anybody’s business anyway.

There was also an insinuation included in this rumor that we had changed our name, and were selling Adeno positive animals under a different name. This, again, is 100% INACCURRATE. We haven’t sold any dragons as of late, and don’t have any plans of doing so in the future. Our dragons are now nothing more than beautiful PETS...they are not breeders.

On a personal note, as soon as we found out that our dragons were Adeno positive, all breeding plans for the future came to an abrupt halt. We wanted to complete testing prior to making our breeding plans for the year, and when the tests started rolling in positive, we decided that we would no longer breed. I’m pretty sure I made that VERY clear in my original post. Since we are, once again, being questioned regarding our intentions and integrity, I would ask that you contact Mike at Rebel Dragons, who lives right down the street, and who knows what goes on in this house and “behind closed doors”. I’m confident that he will tell you the same thing I have...that the thought has not crossed our minds. We really have no interest in watching a bunch of babies die and struggle again.

We have done nothing but answer every question put to us, no matter how difficult it was to answer...and answered the questions honestly. We are trying the best way we know how to not only care for our own animals, but to contribute to the future health of all bearded dragons by participating in research studies. If someone had an issue with that, I’m pretty sure they could have just emailed, and I would have answered any questions.

To the person that started this rumor, and anyone who participated in perpetuating the lie: GET A LIFE. Did you ever think that just maybe this very thing is why most people drop off the face of the planet once they find out they have this virus? At least when they disappear, they don’t have to endure the crap that comes along with telling the truth. Honestly, if you put all that energy into something positive, you just might change things in this community for the better.
Unbelieveable! This is EXACTLY why I hate, HATE, the fingerpointing that has gone on surrounding this subject, its always innocent people who get hurt.

I know Tere, I've been in her home now a couple times for days at a time, and you'd be hard pressed to find someone with more integrity or love for thier animals than she has.
I also know she isn't breeding, personal knowledge because she gave ME her incubator and her baby bins because she doesn't PLAN on using them again, which just BREAKS my heart because we NEED people like her in this business.

Tere, I'm sorry, really sorry, this is happening to you.
Old 03-16-2007, 01:38 AM   #303
I too have been trying to avoid participating in these threads, as they seem to be nothing but counter-productive at this point.

But I refuse to sit back and let anyone spread such vile lies about Tere. I will guarantee each and every one of you that this woman loves her Beardies as much, and probably more, than ANY person here. I know how this has affected her emotionally, and for anyone to even insinuate that she would put any of her beloved dragons at any further health risk or purposely subject anyone else to the heartache that she has gone through is completely unthinkable. Tere has done nothing but try to help everyone, whether it be someone who she has sold a Beardie to in the past, or just the average Joe who bought a Dragon at Petco......and this is the kind of crap she gets in return?? She's doesn't deserve this.

If someone feels the need to start vicious rumors about such an honest, caring person.....I DARE them to come to me and let themselves and their motives be known. If you think you have proof of this fallacy, please, by all means show it to it to us all. I'm willing to bet you won't, because it just isn't possible.

Put up or shut up, as the saying goes.
Old 03-16-2007, 01:40 PM   #304
Originally Posted by Cat_72
I too have been trying to avoid participating in these threads, as they seem to be nothing but counter-productive at this point.

But I refuse to sit back and let anyone spread such vile lies about Tere. I will guarantee each and every one of you that this woman loves her Beardies as much, and probably more, than ANY person here. I know how this has affected her emotionally, and for anyone to even insinuate that she would put any of her beloved dragons at any further health risk or purposely subject anyone else to the heartache that she has gone through is completely unthinkable. Tere has done nothing but try to help everyone, whether it be someone who she has sold a Beardie to in the past, or just the average Joe who bought a Dragon at Petco......and this is the kind of crap she gets in return?? She's doesn't deserve this.

If someone feels the need to start vicious rumors about such an honest, caring person.....I DARE them to come to me and let themselves and their motives be known. If you think you have proof of this fallacy, please, by all means show it to it to us all. I'm willing to bet you won't, because it just isn't possible.

Put up or shut up, as the saying goes.

Thanks Cat. I also know for a fact it isn't possible, and it ticks me off no end to see someone spreading rumors about Tere after everything she's been through.
I also know for a fact that you'd be hard pressed to find someone as loyal, as caring or as honest as Tere. She has stood up and done right thing at great personal cost, and she has taken the time and put in the energy to try to help others, and there is no way that I am going to sit still and let someone attack her by rumor and inuendo without speaking up.
I have also recieved emails telling me that there is is rumor mill grinding behind the scenes specifically to "take out" breeders that are taking a stand on testing for Adenovirus. I've recieved phone calls from people telling me that I am a "reactionary", that no amount of testing can assure us that our colonies are "adeno-free", and one person actually told me straight out that "Adenovirus does NOT kill Bearded Dragons".
Now, I can respect that people are allowed to have different opinions on this subject, and I'll be the first in line to tell people that there is a lot that is unknown about this virus and we need to work toward finding out more as a community. I'm not going to be intimidated though, nor will I not respond when the "rumor mill" has it dead wrong.

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