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Police Blotter General notifications about thefts, breakins or and cases where animals or materials are stolen. Photos of the merchandise taken can be posted to help with recovery.

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Old 06-26-2002, 09:29 AM   #1031

Anyone who has a girlfriend or wife is a salesman to some extent &nbsp;<img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=''> &nbsp;so don't give salesmen a bad name. &nbsp;<img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=''>
Old 06-26-2002, 09:53 AM   #1032
Rob @ RK Reptiles

The term "Blonde Phase Burm" can be used for any burm that is Blonde in coloration i.e. lighter than normal. spam_The name "Blonde Phase Burm" has not been copyrighted by anyone as of yet. spam_The image spam_of this animal that Neil sold as "Blonde Phase Burm" can be seen via the link below. It sure looks like a BLonde Phase Burm to me. spam_And its obvious the customer thought so as well. spam_I was on the phone with Neil when the customer came into the store to purchase it. spam_And this customer is a well known person in the industry. spam_I don't blame him one bit if he does not want to come on here and post. spam_With all the name calling and mudslinging that goes on here I would not want to get caught up in it either (which i don't). spam_I have nothing against you spam_at all Dave. spam_AS a matter of fact we talk and socailize at the shows we attend together. But I don't think what your trying to do is getting anyone enything except deeper in dirt. spam_I have kept my mought shut on many occasions on this thread because I did not want to get involved. spam_But there are a few things I now feel I will post on here. The above being one of them. spam_Another is some of the animals you have listed on your web page as your animals are available to myself and anyone else who is licensed to import animals and can contact Mr Wah or Vincent Koh from Waco Exotic Reptile Enterprise in Malyasia. I do not wish you bad dealings in any way fashion or form. spam_I just wish this whole vendetta you have against Neil (for whatever reasons I do not care)would go away.

Blonde Phase Burm Neil Sold
Old 06-26-2002, 10:12 AM   #1033
Neil Gubitz
Hey, cool....I wake up this morning to find "the boys" are back (as expected)....

Casey...I seem to remember my only deal with you was a couple of years ago when you bought a Bearded Dragon that your friend let jump off his hand onto the floor and hurt his leg (which wasn't my fault)...then you try telling me that it was hurt during shipping (which also wasn't my fault)! You went "ballistic" in your email because you wanted me to cover a $300 Vet you remember that?? I even went so far as to send you $100 in compensation even though it was "your" fault the Beardie was injured! Yeah...I'm real bad to work with, huh??

John....the sky is only "red" because you drink too much (lol)....As far as you're concerned...I have "no" crediblity at all, so why should I bother trying to convince you of anything???

Lawson, I see you're still hanging around Amazon...I'm sure they "love" that! lol spam_And, it was the Light-Phase (Blonde-"looking") Burm that I sold...But, I'm fully aware that "you" "own" "both" of the "real" "Blonde Burms", huh? lmao!

John...for's "two" of the sales above...Stan Chiras came to the store and purchased the Burm (after seeing the ad on KS)....Stan is exstatic with the him, too! Stan is "also" the one that bought the 1.1 Adult Veils while he was at the store!! But, it's ok...I've got "no" credibility, so you don't have to believe that, either....

Dave....did you finally get the hint that "someone else" doesn't want you anywhere near her store anymore??? She runs a clean shop and she'd like to "keep it clean"! All of us "clean" shop owners are "always" looking for ways to keep unwanted pests out of our stores! Stay away from "both" of us! Stay with Amazon....they don't know you, yet! ....Neil
Old 06-26-2002, 11:30 AM   #1034
I'm not sure what would make you two (Dave and Neil) think that it is a good idea to have this thread online for anyone to see, but I hope you both realize that this is going to cost you both business down the line. To be as petty as you both have shown yourselves to be over and over in this thread. Why the hell would anybody ever want to put themselves in a position to have to deal with such immaturity and pettiness? You both need to grow up and learn how to deal with a situation like this. Over a hundred pages, most by you two. I can't even tell you how sad you both come off here. Take some time and go back and read the crap you have posted. You sound like a couple pathetic 12 year olds! Grow up and take some classes on problem solving! Evan Stahl
Old 06-26-2002, 11:47 AM   #1035
Darin Chappell

I wouldn't sell you anything, no matter how much money you offered me, because I have no interest in dealing with you long enough to count back your change. &nbsp;Nor would I buy anything from you, no matter great a deal it was. &nbsp;Those two statements have nothing to do with the quality of your animals (I'm sure they're terrific), but rather they have everything to do with the fact that you have completely burned your bridges with me. &nbsp;Now, once again, I'm sure that doesn't bother you at all, and I am certain your business will continue to thrive as mine is (more of a paying hobby on my part, though).

I still have ALL of the emails you sent me where you lied to me and made false accusations about my posts on the BOI concerning you. &nbsp;I still have the ability to show those emails if the mood ever struck me, but I haven't tried to contact you or say anything about you for some time. &nbsp;However, you keep bringing my name (misspelled as it always is, though) into the fray.

Neil, I told you this before, and I'll say it now again. &nbsp;I take you for a liar. &nbsp;I don't think you're a malicious liar; I think you've only lied to cover yourself when your memory or your judgment has let you down. &nbsp;Many people are willing to overlook those types of lies, but I am not. &nbsp;

You threatened me once in an email (I have the proof) that I had better stay off this thread. &nbsp;I told you that I stand by what I say and post. &nbsp;Even so, I am not going to post anymore until the final report is posted, if it ever is. &nbsp;In the mean time, Neil, you need to leave me alone. &nbsp;Quit bringing my name back in this thread, and I won't have to address you in any way whatsoever.
Old 06-26-2002, 12:03 PM   #1036
Neil Gubitz
Oh Evan...I am "so" sorry!! I had no idea that I was to let someone accuse me of everything in the book, and I'm just supposed to sit back and take it, and not defend myself?? Well, you hang on to "that" dream, ok?? As I can't please everybody?? The point is...I don't "try" to please everybody...that would be a lesson in far as I'm concerned...what you see is what you get, with me! I don't try to make myself look like anything that I'm not, I can be vicious, childish, opinionated, combative, foul-mouthed, immature and any other adjective you can think of! That's my right, too! But, I will "always" be honest, above board, helpful, and give the best customer care out there! Anybody can go off the handle when you back them into a corner enough times....mine came a couple of times, already....did you notice, though...that I haven't run and hid from any of this?? As I've always said...good or bad, I'll be in your face, man to man... ...if you don't like me, or respect me anymore...I can live with's too bad, but, as with's your right, too! ....Neil
Old 06-26-2002, 12:32 PM   #1037
Always poor, picked-on Neil. Can you say "Persecution Complex[b]"??

Obviously, you missed the whole point of my "red sky" post. That's ok, I would have been surprised if you had gotten the point.

I have had thoughts of one day becoming a dealer and a breeder. But you are seriously making me have second thoughts. Because I truly care about the reptiles I keep. I could care less about making money off of them. If I have to act like you to drum up business, then I want no part of it. It really is sad. There are quite a bit of decent and honest dealers out there. Who know what customer service really entails. All you talk about is your business. Your money. You never talk about the animals themselves. You are a sad excuse for a herpetoculturist. It's all about the money to you. Oops, I mean the sales. Make no mistake, Neil. There are those out there that see you for whom and what you really are. Funny, those seem to be the only ones that you attack. Hmmm......

I drink too much. Now THAT is funny, Neil. &nbsp;<img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=''> &nbsp; <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=''> &nbsp; <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=''>
Can't you come up with anything better??!!!!
Old 06-26-2002, 01:07 PM   #1038
Neil Gubitz
John...It's unfortunate you feel that way, but, I'm not going to have a pissing match with know as well as I do that you can't sell healthy animals if you don't "care" for your animals...I care! That's enough for that...

It's like that "old Salesman 101" lesson that says...

"You tell them you're going to tell them....then you tell them....then you tell them what you just told them!! Maybe "then", they'll understand what you said?"

I'll say it again....If you question my honesty, I will (verbally) come at you with both "you" did, John, when someone questioned yours!! You might have done it with a little more tact than I, but you still "attacked"! Tell me you didn't?? ANY honest businessman would do the same....there are "countless" numbers of threads on this site attesting to that fact....I just do it with a little more venom....
It's like what happened with BC....before his whole fiasco started, his reputation was way up there....then he gets attacked (for reasons that were a lot more scary than my problem)....and yes....even BC flew off the can happen to anybody when provoked....but, his rep hasn't been damaged one iota! Everybody knows that some folks can yell and scream with the best of them (some of you might be married to them, lol), but they still love them!! (not saying you should love me, but you know what I mean?)
BTW...I understood perfectly what your "red sky" just didn't understand my attempt at joking at it....try reading it again, but this it WITH the "lol" attached, and put it in a "light-hearted" conotation???
That's one of the biggest problems on this hear what you want to hear and you read only that which you want to read??? It's no wonder you guys are still at me....but, it's can't please everybody, especially if they don't "want" to be pleased....Neil
Old 06-26-2002, 01:28 PM   #1039
I must hand it to you, Neil. For once, that was a classy reply.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'll say it again....If you question my honesty, I will (verbally) come at you with both "you" did, John, when someone questioned yours!! You might have done it with a little more tact than I, but you still "attacked"! Tell me you didn't??</td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>

Excellent point. I have questioned your honesty. Try and step back and look at it as I would. An un-involved third party. Would you not question the honesty of a person whom blatantly lied? I am referring to the KS ad and the "alleged" stolen snake. You bet your backside you would. You have done so in numerous other threads. So I ask you, is my questioning you unwarranted? Not by a long-shot. Ok, so now I have questioned your honesty. I welcome your response at any time. Feel free to "come at me with both barrels". I will not deny you that right. Nor will I disrespect you for doing so. I enjoy verbal sparring matches. Regarding the time I was questioned: You are quite correct on all points. I did attack. I did go at that gentleman with both barrels. I did do it tactfully. You see, you say you attack with "more venom". That is what I do. I use tactfulness as venom. Your point goes further and if need be, does more damage when you do it tactfully. Word it tactfully, if you will.
Old 06-26-2002, 01:40 PM   #1040
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">BTW...I understood perfectly what your "red sky" just didn't understand my attempt at joking at it....try reading it again, but this it WITH the "lol" attached, and put it in a "light-hearted" conotation???
</td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>

Ok, if what you say is true, then I owe you an apology. As I misunderstood your meaning. I took it as making a joke of it. Not joking at it. I did not see it in a light-hearted connotation. If you truly understood the meaning, then you would fully understand my position.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">That's one of the biggest problems on this hear what you want to hear and you read only that which you want to read???</td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>

In some instances, that may be the case. From my standpoint. Sometimes, as in this case, I look so hard for falseness or hidden meanings, that I can't see the forest through the trees. In THIS instance, I was wrong. For that I apologize for my smart-a$$ comment. Mind you, that is only based on if you are telling the truth.

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